'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 21: 'Girl Next Door' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 21: 'Girl Next Door' Recap Mindy is rediscovering old hobbies with the time she used to spend preparing for a boyfriend. She thinks it's great - except when she has elective surgery to un-web her toes and no one is there to pick her up. Hopped up on meds she tells the nurse her husband is there, and wanders around New York in a hospital gown.

The officer, Charlie Lang, spots her trying to sit on a couch labeled "bed bugs" and picks her up to take home.

Mindy wakes from her drugged state, sober now, to find he has fixed a bunch of things around her apartment. She tells him she usually has the guys she's dating do stuff like that but she's single now. He thinks that's not very feminist-forward of her.

Peter asks Jeremy to set him up with a British chick. Jeremy invites him over for Celebrity at his place.

Mindy goes into work and tells everyone she's going to buy an apartment. She always thought she'd rent until she got married but now it's looking like time. Danny offers to go with her since she is a bad negotiator.

Peter goes to Jeremy's party and hits it off with an American girl who also doesn't know any British celebrities. She goes into the bedroom and he goes after her thinking it's a hint, but finds her feeding her baby.

Danny goes with Mindy to a crummy apartment she is strangely charmed by. She wants to take it but he won't let her. He shows her pictures of another place, much nicer and cheaper. One catch. It's in his building, next door to him. He also owns it.

Mindy goes to check it out and loves it. However she thinks it may be weird living next to Danny. He tells her to try it out for a few nights.

Jeremy finds out Peter is going out with Lauren, but he tells him he doesn't want to anymore. She's a single, successful mother. That's not the kind of girl he usually dates. Jeremy tells him Lauren is a major catch and Peter decides to keep the date.

Danny brings Mindy some things for her "new" place, and then invites her to come over and get a pizza and watch a movie.

Peter goes out with Lauren, and after patronizing her, has to admit he isn't used to dating smart girls.

Danny pops into Peter's office to tell Mindy that Richie and his boyfriend are coming over, and Mindy agrees to pop by. Peter tells her it's a bad idea. She thinks she and Danny are friends again but Peter points out Danny's keeping tabs on her.

She calls up Charlie and invites him to dinner. Danny comes home to see Mindy's shoes in the hall... with a pair of men's shoes beside them.

Mindy's attempt to make dinner results in a fire in the oven. She panics but Charlie gives her the fire extinguisher and walks her through doing things herself. Charlie offers to make food, as Danny bursts in to see what the noise was (and check out Charlie). He settles in.

Peter tells Jeremy he actually liked Lauren, and Jeremy has to inform him Lauren doesn't want to see him again. Peter goes out with one of his usual dumb ladies and is underwhelmed. He goes back to Lauren and asks for one more chance.

Twitchy, Danny interrogates Charlie. He invites them back to his place for food though he doesn't want to "break up a date." Mindy says it's not a date, and Charlie says he has to get back to the station.

Danny insists that Mindy come over again the next night. She calls Charlie and he points out the tension between her and Danny. She admits she used him to see if she and Danny could just be friends, but was actually interested in him when she got him to her place. She invites him for a real date.

Danny comes over to borrow stuff and invites her to hang out again, but she tells him she's going out with Charlie. He tries to kiss her. Mindy yells at him for blowing hot and cold and only wanting her when she is with someone else. She says it's her turn to decide. He apologizes, and Mindy goes out with Charlie.