'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 17, 18: 'Be Cool; Girl Crush' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 17, 18: 'Be Cool; Girl Crush' Recap Mindy is dating Danny, and waking up next to him. As he makes her breakfast they discuss whether or not they should reveal themselves at work. Danny is hesitant, which makes Mindy wonder if he's embarrassed by her. They decide to date in secret.

Mindy decides that's fun, as they make up excuses to sneak into each others' offices.

After three days at his place she goes home to realize she's been robbed.

Jeremy tells Danny that he has seen his "girlfriend" Brooke, a pharm rep, in town.

Mindy comes in to tell them she has been robbed, and Peter suggests that Danny stay at Mindy's for a while until she feels safe. Danny's hesistant, so Morgan steps in. He sneaks in a puppy, of course, and it discovers men's scrubs under the bed... with Peter's pen (which Danny stole and chewed on) in the pocket.

Morgan goes to Jeremy, who realizes Peter asked for the same day off as Mindy for an "eager-to-please chubster," and believes Morgan's theory.

Brooke comes to the office to see Danny, who tries to put her off. Danny wants to know if he can sleep over at Mindy's, but as she is about to announce that they are dating, Danny somehow blurts out that Mindy and Morgan are having a party. Peter suggests to Brooke that Danny has a girlfriend, but Danny refuses to admit it. He awkwardly invites her to the party.

The party is underway, including Brooke, who is hanging over Danny. Hurt, Mindy breaks her glass squeezing it too hard, snaps at Danny, and goes off. Peter tells Danny he's going to mess things up with Mindy, and goes to talk to her where she is hiding in the bedroom. Jeremy and Morgan watch him go in.

Peter tells Mindy that a lot of times it takes jealousy or the fear of losing their girl to make them commit. He volunteers to make everyone think the two of them are fooling around. He messes her up a little, and the two go back to the party, hanging over each other. Danny tries to bring her over, but she sits on Peter's lap. Brooke is suspicious, and Danny tells her he lied and he does have a girlfriend. Brooke says the next time she sees him, knowing Danny, he'll be single.

Mindy sits on Peter, and the chair breaks, disrupting the party. Morgan and Jeremy sit Peter and Mindy down to talk some sense into her. Betsy randomly announces that she's in love with Danny but no one listens. Danny stands up and tries to tell the truth but can't force it out, so Mindy talks over him and says she's hit rock bottom in her love life and needs to think about things.

When everyone goes, Danny talks to Mindy. She tells him they either need to date for real or end things. Danny agrees to call it off, making her frantic.

He tells her that she's his best friend and he needs to have her in his life. Mindy thinks that's just something guys say. Danny tries to spell out their future - lots of crying, and fighting, and in the end she leaves and they're not in each others' lives. Mindy yells at him for kissing her in the first place, but Danny just apologizes and leaves.

They have broken up.

Unfortunately, Mindy can't throw herself into work like usual, since Danny is everywhere.

In the locker room, she runs into Sheila Hamilton, a celebrity doctor. Sheila compliments Mindy on her technique. At work Mindy tries to glam things up to attract more celebrities.

The mobile bus has arrived, with all the doctors on the side (Mindy's picture is of her sneezing).

Danny runs into Sally in the break room, the attractive sister of Peter. Peter warns him off of his sister.

Mindy gets a call from Sheila, who has been talking with people at her practice. There's interest in bringing Mindy in with them. She excuses herself to go and meet with them. It's a beautiful practice. Sheila wants to show her how they treat patients and has Mindy pick out a silk gown to wear for the best exam of her life. Sheila says they can go to lunch and discuss offering Mindy a job.

As she leaves the building, the bus pulls up in front - the doctors were onto her and have tracked her down. Danny says she can do whatever she wants, but the others try to bring her back. She storms off to have lunch with Sheila.

The bus goes to a low-income place in the city to offer free breast exams, but no one will participate.

Mindy goes for lunch and is happy to join the team. Sheila wants to know if Mindy can bring her patients, and reminds her they don't take medical insurance. Mindy wouldn't be able to bring over most of her own patients. She turns down the offer.

On the bus, Peter catches Danny looking at pictures of boobs on his phone - they're Sally's. Peter is furious, and outside, an angry mob has grown.

Mindy finds Tamra and Betsy putting her stuff on the curb, as directed by the guys. Mindy runs back to Sheila's and begs for the job, but they've "moved on." They were interviewing more Indian women and Mindy realizes they just were looking to diversify. She gets a text from Morgan and goes to help them. She speaks to the crowd and settles them down, and gets someone to come in for an exam. They're happy to have her back.

Danny asks Peter why he has such a problem with him being with Sally, and Peter tells her he'd just break her heart.