'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 15: 'French Me, You Idiot; Indian BBW' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 15: 'French Me, You Idiot; Indian BBW' Recap Mindy and Danny are kissing on the plane. He stops and apologizes. He says he'll count to three and if she doesn't kiss him by then he'll go back to his seat. She kisses him on four.

They go to the bathroom and begin stripping. Being in an airplane bathroom has its disadvantages. Mindy ends up with her hair in the toilet.

At home, Mindy invites him up for a drink. As the elevator opens she is greeted with a band, arranged by Cliff, who apologizes for not trusting her and asks to get back together. Mindy awkwardly goes in with him and Danny leaves.

She tells Cliff they need to talk but he thinks her e-mails said it all. She tells him they have to break up, she's in love with someone. He thinks she means him, and leaves.

Mindy goes to work and tries to kiss Danny, who rejects her. He tells her as long as she's with Cliff they can't do anything. Mindy decides the best way to get out of the relationship is to get dumped.

Cliff comes home to find Mindy in the bathroom with the door open. She tells him her psychic said they'll have eight kids. She acts increasingly weird. Cliff gets a call. His grandmother has died. He doesn't want to be alone.

Jeremy has found out the NY Metropolitan Ballet account is open and wants to play for it. Brendan tells him they're also going after the account.

Mindy has to inform Danny that she still hasn't broken up with Cliff. She has to wait until after the funeral. She tells him to go check on Cliff to see how devastated he is, since Danny is skeptical. Danny brings Cliff some beer and finds out she was telling the truth. Cliff tells him Mindy slept over to take care of him.

At work Danny asks her if she cheated on him with Cliff. He wants her to show him on a skeleton what she did with Cliff. She tells him Cliff asked her to write the eulogy since the e-mail was so lovely, so Danny has to write it. He refuses.

Danny, Mindy, and Morgan go to the funeral. Cliff reads Mindy's eulogy, and it's horrible. She's mortified, and Danny takes her hand. They go out in the foyer and kiss. Danny asks for a sign from God if they're doing something wrong, and a candle catches the drapes on fire.

Since Jeremy has dated most of the dancers, Peter has to go to get the ballet account. He and Brendan both go in to pitch, and have to stay for the entire four-hour rehearsal. Peter loses it and they are both excused.

After Cliff is very forgiving, Mindy confesses that she kissed Danny and has feelings for him. Cliff punches Danny and tells him his grandmother will haunt them.

Later, at home they kiss, and the lightbulb explodes.

Mindy tells Danny she wants to wait to have sex with him, she wants to take it slow. He teases her that any woman in NY would have sex with him and she calls him on the challenge. He calls ex's and of course none of them are interested.

Mindy goes to the office with breakfast for Danny, but he's not there. Peter tells him Danny passed out, he's in the hospital with viral meningitis. She rushes to the hospital to see him, but Danny's brother Richie is there and Danny re-introduces her as his co-worker. She's annoyed, but he says because they're not having sex they're not really dating.

Peter texts her to come to the office, it's an emergency. He shows her a porn site he was checking out... which has a video of Mindy. She's horrified, and especially worried Danny will see the video and dump her. Peter says he will help. They need to go right to the source.

Mindy goes to see her ex, Tom. He tells her he had nothing to do with that... oh no, wait, he linked it to his brother. He tells her he'll destroy the tape when he gets home, but Peter tells him to bring the tape to Mindy so she can do it herself. They need to go to the website people and ask them to take it down now.

Danny tells Richie about Mindy. He wonders if Mindy doesn't like him since she wants to take it slow. Richie thinks he needs to accept that Mindy wants to go at her own pace.

Mindy and Peter go to "Sploders" and ask them to take the video down. They refuse, since there's a market for Indian BBW's. Mindy finds out what "BBW" means and is furious. Peter appeals to them as fellow Dartmouth grads and they finally agree to take the video down.

Tom sneaks the DVD onto Mindy's desk. Morgan picks it up on accident with all the mail, which he delivers to Danny... he sees the DVD, labeled from Mindy to a "babe," and puts it in the laptop. Mindy runs in but it's too late. Peter wants to know why Danny is so upset and he claims he's worried about the practice.

Mindy is not looking so good. Peter realizes she caught Danny's meningitis. She faints.

Hospitalized, Peter comes to comfort her. She's upset about messing things up with her new guy. Peter drags Tom into Danny's room and makes him talk. Tom admits that he doesn't think Mindy liked him that much and that he thinks that they had so much sex to keep from talking to each other. Peter tells Danny what Mindy went through to hide the tape and maybe she did it because she's a little in love with "the practice."

Danny wheels himself into Mindy's room. He gets into bed with her and tells her it's okay to do things slowly. He reads to her.