'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 12: 'Danny Castellano is My Personal Trainer' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 12: 'Danny Castellano is My Personal Trainer' Recap Ah, the firsts of a new relationship. Including their first romantic get-away. Cliff wants to go skiing... and go in the hot tub.

Mindy is horrified at the idea of wearing a bikini in January, and having Cliff see her.

At work, Mindy explains how she always has tricks so no one has to see her naked during sex. Morgan offers to train her and get her body in shape.

Jeremy is sick and needs to take his days off. Danny and Mindy run off and leave Peter in charge.

Morgan has Mindy do push-ups. She fires him when he spits on her face. She notices Danny going to the gym.

Peter, in charge, tells everyone they can do whatever they want. Morgan and Tamra fight over who gets the big desk. No one can even agree to open the window to change the temperature since the heat is stuck. Peter opens it and an owl flies in. Meanwhile Tamra has accidentally ordered a million gloves, not a thousand.

Mindy asks Danny if he will train her. He says he won't waste his time since she won't take things seriously. Finally, he agrees, but he tells her that he owns her and will make her life miserable. He takes her to his gym. She tries to distract him from making her do things, but Danny figures out he can make her work by telling her she has to save her favorite celebrities by lifting weights off them.

After her hard work, she goes to the steam room, naked... and finds Danny, who informs her it's a co-ed steam room. He gives her his towel, which she thinks is even worse. It falls, and Mindy's hair gets stuck in Danny's watch as they try to grab it. Once free, she tries to run, and slips and falls directly under him.

At the hospital, Mindy tells Danny he should probably quit. He tells her he can help her with her naked first-impression since she is so worried, but she refuses to hear what he has to say.

Peter, fed up, goes to Jeremy's, and finds him having a little "me" time with two scantily clad ladies. He refuses to come back and tells Peter he needs to make the employees respect him since he is in chare. Peter goes and finds Tamra getting her eyebrows threaded. He tells her to go back to work or he's firing her. He throws the owl back out the window. Jeremy comes back and Peter is thrilled.

At work, Mindy shuts herself in her office and gets naked in front of the mirror, deciding she looks great and Danny is wrong. Then she notices the owl in her office and screams, which brings Danny rushing in to help her. She chases them out, while he calls over his shoulder that he sees a few things he could work on with her.

Dressed, she goes in to tell him he has no right to criticize her body. She fires him from training. He tells her all he was going to tell her was not to suck in her stomach so much, it looks strange. He tells her she's a woman and she looks like a woman, and that's good.