'The Mindy Project' Season 2, Episode 10: 'Wedding Crushers' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 2, Episode 10: 'Wedding Crushers' Recap Mindy gets a wedding invitation - from Josh, her ex.

She tells Danny when he goes with her to bring a nice car. He says he can't go anymore, his little brother Richie is coming into town with big news. He tells her not to go, that's probably for the best anyway.

She calls Josh to tell him she has a work emergency and can't go. He tells her not to feel intimidated, and she'll find someone eventually. She tells him she'll be there, and she's bringing a date.

She goes to find one. Morgan is sick, and Jeremy is just getting fat. She sees an attractive young man come in and runs up to him - but it's Richie, Danny's brother. Danny says he's having a party the next night, annoying Mindy who can't make it because of the wedding.

Mindy asks the girls if Richie is gay, and they all say yes. She calls an escort service, desperate for a date. Peter overhears and wants to go with her. He loves weddings and needs to meet some ladies.

She gives in. He shows up in a suit looking shaven and suave. Mindy is impressed.

Danny is proud of his handsome brother at his party. Morgan tries to gently hint to Danny that Richie is gay, and Danny tells him he already knows.

Mindy is mad that Josh is having Mindy's perfect dream wedding. Peter tells her not to sulk about her ex, and to go and party with him. He drags her out onto the empty dance floor and performs a dance alone. He gets Mindy out with him, to her mortification, but it actually starts the dancing off, and the floor fills. Peter becomes the center of attention.

At Danny's party, Richie gives Danny a gift - the Miami Vice record. He tells Danny it's from their father. Danny breaks the record. He yells at Richie not to come on missions from their dad, and he'll only disappoint Richie.

Mindy runs into Josh, and he tells her she and Peter make a cute couple. They open a door and find Peter hooking up with the bride. Josh and Peter fight. Mindy admits Peter is not her boyfriend, and Josh calls her pathetic and storms off.

Jeremy runs after Richie and tells him Danny has been looking forward to his visit for weeks. He's a changed man, and the two should talk.

Mindy finds Josh about to snort white powder in a room and interrupts him (it's powdered sugar, he needs the ritual). She tells him she brought Peter to prove she's not a loser anymore. He admits that his wife has already cheated on him multiple times, she's a sex addict, and now she's run off. Mindy cooks an empty spoon, saying Danny was right. She only ruins ex's weddings.

Inspired, she runs out and steals the microphone. She tells everyone she tried to have sex with Josh, and the bride walked in, saw, and is now missing. Peter comes up to try to assist. She says Josh resisted and had nothing to do with it. The guests turn on her.

Richie goes back to talk to Danny. Danny can't figure out why Richie is taking to their father, but the two make up.

Mindy won't talk to Peter on the way home. He tells her being at a wedding reminded him that his ex is engaged. She tells him he can't blame his ex for everything. He admits that he hasn't had sex in over a year and a half, so when the bride came at him... Mindy admits that she had fun with him before all of that, and he decides that means she loves him.

They get to Danny's party, tell him Peter got laid and Mindy ruined it, and then limbo.