'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 3: 'In The Club' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'In The Club' Recap Mindy is bored in office, when both Jeremy and Danny race in. She snaps at them, noting that when she e-mailed them asking for their conference RSVPs, nothing, but if she e-mails them that she has their sex tape, they come flying.

They say they were both busy that weekend. Jeremy was hooking up with a model and Danny was doing his C-sections in a nice quiet hospital. Mindy is jealous—she fell asleep watching “Amelie” and dumped so much red wine on herself when she woke up she thought she had been shot.

Shauna comes in, a little hungover from her great clubbing night. Mindy follows her out and insists that she take her with her next time. Shauna hesitates, until Mindy tells her she will let her move her desk away from the air vent. Shauna calls her club hook-up, Carl, telling her she has guests as a “Make a Wish thing.”

Morgan overhears and wants to go, too, he has pills that will counteract a roofie, unless they don’t have on in the drink, in which case it will roofie them. Everyone gets geared up, making it into Office Club Night. They invite Danny but he says no. Mindy laughs, and he pauses.

“It’s weird. It’s like Dracula on a beach.”

Danny decides to go after all.

Waiting in line, Mindy says black guys love her and her fine big booty, but Shauna tells her “Keep your racism voice down.” Morgan has an entire duffel bag of club supplies. Danny comes up, and Betsy tells him, “You look handsome like a youth minister.”

The head inside, and Mindy is dazzled by the club. Jeremy is amazed by the bridal party a few tables over, and eyes the bride. Mindy goes off to do a round, but no one can hear her when she’s trying to talk to them.

Back at the table, Betsy has accidentally ordered $300 bottle service. Mindy asks why Danny’s not dancing, and goads him. He dances--He’s a good dancer. Mindy realizes that Shauna has a crush on him.

“Weird. It’s like if Hermione liked Voldemort.”

In the bathroom, Morgan gets prepped with his supplies, cleaning himself up as he lays them over the counter. A guy uses his cologne, and tips him in his empty glass. Morgan looks inspired.

Danny dances with Shawna, but she’s too nervous to be good, and he goes off to other ladies. She gets sad, and wants to talk to Mindy about it, but Mindy gets a request to join someone in the VIP room, where all the MBA players are. She heads over, running into Danny, who she compliments on his dancing. He says his mom forced him to take classes as a kid, and asks if she wants to get a drink. She tells him she’s going to the VIP room and continues one.

Drunk Betsy, however, latches onto her once she’s up there. Mindy sets her on a stool and makes her stay and play with her phone.

A man comes up to her and throws out some really insulting lines, like how he can read people’s careers by their figures, “are you the mistress of a black congressman?” It turns out to be Josh, a sports attorney, and he’s the one who asked her into the VIP section. She sits with the players from the MBA, everyone making small talk and getting along well. Despite Josh’s verbal diarrhea, they insist he’s a great guy.

In the bathroom, Morgan has officially set himself up as the attendant. Jeremy comes in, wearing a snap bracelet from the bridal party. Morgan cautions him.

Still doing well at her table, Mindy gets invited to the after party, but she notices a super creepy man hitting on Drunk Betsy. She ducks out of the group and goes to rescue her from being sold into white slavery.

“He says I won’t end up like the others!”

Mindy carries Drunk Betsy back to Shauna, who is being hit on by a woman. She tells her about the after party, and Shauna tells her to go, she will be fine. She is clearly upset about Danny making out with a girl at the bar, however. Mindy, thrilled, dashes off, and Betsy throws up on Shauna.

Josh is waiting for her outside, mentioning that Jamie Foxx is now at the after party. Mindy says she can’t ditch her friends, and he lays another charmer down with, “Who knows, maybe we can have a one-night-stand some night.” She also mentions she thinks one of the players stole her pashmina, and he says she’s probably right.

Inside, it’s last call. Everyone is thrilled to see Mindy back, but Betsy’s not sure how to pay for the bottle service—just a matter of wiring some money around her family… Morgan shows up with his tips from the bathroom and covers it, and everyone gets in some happy dancing before the night ends.

Outside, the bride from the party is trying to pull Jeremy into the car, but he’s going his best to say no. Morgan rushes up to help. “What my friend’s trying to say, is he has crazy diarrhea.”

He gives him a sucker to placate him, and pulls drunk food out of his duffel. A limo driver informs Mindy that Josh sent the limo to take her home, as well as her pashmina, which he bought off the thief for $500. His note says she owes him dinner. Everyone notes Danny getting into cab across street with his lady from the bar, but Shauna and Mindy brush it off. I

Thrilled and happy, everyone enjoys pizza on the limo ride home.