'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 8: 'Two to One' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 8: 'Two to One' Recap A vacuuming maid wakes Mindy as she snoozes on the couch. Mindy gets an emergency text from Jeremy and runs to Dr. Shulman’s office to meet him and Danny.

Dr. Shulman has retired! Who is in charge now?

Mindy realizes… they are.

Mindy, Jeremy and Danny meet with an attorney to discuss things. If the practice went under, for example, they would lose all their assets. He asks what they're planning to do, but the three aren't quite sure.

Dr. Shulman’s patients are fleeing. They’re going upstairs, to the midwives. Danny has Shawna e-mail them and give them a discount. Jeremy and Danny go over Mindy’s head.

Diane from the birth center comes down to see Shawna and Betsy. She’s not happy that the files she keeps asking for on their old patients haven’t been sent up yet. The secretaries have a show-down.

The boys are turning Shulman’s office into storage, but Mindy isn’t happy they decided what to do with it without her. They also want her to take the day off as she had planned.

As Shawna rubs her neck, a new doctor comes up and notices. He fixes her neck—he is a doctor from the birth center upstairs. Shawna asks them to leave, although now she’s been placated. Danny comes out and things get tense.

Mindy’s friends tell her she needs to “suck the marrow out of life and let it slosh around her mouth.”

The employees are starting to get seduced by the midwives upstairs. A patient who has tried to move upstairs touts the glories of upstairs. Danny and Jeremy try and talk her out of moving to them but don't do very well.

As Mindy and her friends shop, she gets a text from Betsy urging her to come back, all the patients are leaving. Her friends tell her to ignore it, but Betsy sneaks a call. She tells her that one of Mindy’s patients is leaving. Mindy rushes off to the rescue.

She goes upstairs to the birth center. She hits the gong, calling the midwives out. She tells the patients it is hard not to get seduced by the hot (questionable) male midwife doctors. She reminds them that if there are complications, then “no amount of breathing techniques and scented oils are gonna help you.”

As she leaves angrily, the “hot” doctor takes an eyelash off her cheek and blows it seductively.

Danny and Jeremy tell her they owe her an apology.

“Saying you owe me ten dollars is different from giving me ten dollars.”

They apologize.

She warns them not to gang up on her anymore, and she wants her input considered.

As Mindy settles in to watch TV, Josh comes in with Thai food. She wishes she got to see him more. They alternate working and kissing, as the maid comes in to vacuum.