'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 7: 'Teen Patient' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 7: 'Teen Patient' Recap Mindy sees intern Parker who went to a self defense class over the weekend. Mindy asks him to teach her some moves. She has him come at her, and Parker pretends to choke her while Mindy tries to break the hold. Morgan sees her being attacked and throws the little man against the wall.

“We have to stop the intern program.”

Mindy runs into student Sophia in their apartment building, and they chat. She tells her when things settle down at work Mindy will hang out with her more, and if she ever needs anything, let her know.

Danny gets a memo about a claim of lewd conduct at work: notably Morgan ogling Shawna’s breasts. Danny goes to talk to Mindy about it and the possibility they could be sued. He asks her to handle it but she tells him as partner it's his job too.

Mindy goes into her office and sees Sophia, who asks for birth control. Mindy thinks she is too young to start having sex, but Sophia thinks she is ready wants to discuss it with Mindy (as hre mother is dead). Mindy says she has to meet the boyfriend Henry first. She has her appointments covered and goes to visit him at the high school.

Morgan and Shawna go into Danny’s office, while he awkwardly tries to bring up the issue with Morgan.

“If the men in my family have one problem, it’s staring at beautiful things. And gout.”

Morgan apologizes for staring at Shawna's “plumpies.” Danny asks if that satisfies Shawna’s complaint, but she insists she didn’t file it.

At Sophia’s high school, Mindy meets her gay bff Ben, who she loves, and finds out that slime is now a cool thing to carry around. Sophia finds Henry and introduces him to Mindy. Mindy asks what will happen when he goes to college, but he says he doesn’t want to go to college, he will invent a website. Mindy and Henry argue about the future.

Danny tries to dictact a complaint to Betsy but she is too easily distracted. She admits she wrote the complaint about Morgan, and asks Danny if he thinks she is pretty.

Mindy brings Sophia to see Josh to see what a real adult relationship is like. Sophia grills him. Mindy tells her she should wait for this kind of guy. Sophia asks if they’ll be together forever, and Josh gets iffy and won’t answer the question. Josh admits he probably couldn’t stay with one person for the rest of his life. Mindy is horrified to find out he doesn’t want to get married.

She calls Gwen to complain about what she has just learned about Josh. Gwen comforts her by reminding her how crappy marriage is.

Betsy tells Danny she just wants guys to look at her the way they look at Shawna. Danny pats her awkwardly and tells her she is pretty and adorable, and tries to tell her she is hot but it doesn’t come out convincing. Betsy however, is comforted.

“I think sometimes you just need your boss to tell you that you look sexy!”

Danny panics about what he has done.

Mindy goes to see Sophia at volleyball to apologize to her. She tells the team that teen girls are obsessed with eternity, and it’s all imaginary. Maybe they’ll be lucky and stay with someone forever, but the only thing that lasts forever is herpes. She passes out condoms, until the coach comes over and she gets carted off by security.

She gets yelled at by the principal. Danny shows up, and Mindy tells him to tell them she’s not a crazy pervert. Sophia comes up and tells Mindy she and Henry are going to wait. She gives Mindy slime as a parting gift. Mindy hugs Sophia and Ben goodbye and leaves before she gets arrested.

She finds Josh on her stoop with travel-sized deodorant because the florist was closed. He apologizes. She tells him she just didn’t realize it was so casual between them. She also tells him that she thinks forever is scary too. They decide they have time to talk about it. He puts his hand on her hair for a kiss and his fingers come back covered in slime.