'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 6: 'Thanksgiving' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 6: 'Thanksgiving' Recap Josh, Mindy’s boyfriend, has come to cook dinner at Mindy’s house. He made everything for her on Panini presses. Everything is bad. Bad bad bad. Mindy tells him she’s bad at cooking too, which is going to make it weird, because Gwen broke her arm, and she is going to go cook dinner for her.

Josh mentions the trip he is going to be on, and the girls on the trip… Mindy says they need to discuss if they are exclusive. The lights go out. The kitchen sets on fire, but she still insists that they have the talk, until the fire spreads, saving Josh, who wants to know if they can have the talk after his trip.

Morgan and Mindy are discussing it on the subway. Morgan reminds her that if Josh isn’t exclusive, then she isn’t either.

Betsy is taking Jeremy to dinner with her family since he needed a place to go. She reveals she is just a little kid with her family, and warns them how boring they are. Danny gets invited out by one of the male nurses, but tells him he has plans—he goes into the empty office happily.

Mindy and Morgan go to Gwen’s home, which is super nice. Mindy sees Dennis, who she went on a date with. He comes down the stairs in slow motion—and slips.

Betsy’s dad brings Jeremy a beer, and Betsy a strawberry milk. Jeremy gives them the fancy chocolate he brought, which Betsy’s grandma spits it out screaming it has gone bad. They put grandma to bed, and Jeremy tries to fit into the Punch family. Betsy blows up on her family, tired of being treated like a child, when they try and make her perform her Thanksgiving song.

Danny practices the keyboard alone at the office.

Mindy chats up Dennis, asking him how things are. Mindy apologizes for how weird their date was and how she ran out. He says that he thought it was going well. That’s when Dennis’ hot new Indian girlfriend comes in. Mindy excuses herself.

Mindy goes into Gwen’s room and begins taking down the pictures of herself. Gwen reminds her that she is dating Josh. And Dennis is ready to settle down and Mindy is really… a mess.

Mindy comes down, changed, wearing Gwen’s sexy dress, telling her if she has to be a mess at least she can be a hot mess.

Mindy finds Dennis later in the office before the fire. His girlfriend had to leave. Mindy flirts with him, and he tells her she’s a lot different now than when they went on their date.

Danny continues to enjoy the empty hospital, sharing his meal with a mouse named Barney.

Dennis and Mindy continue to flirt, Mindy trying to be a bad girl. She kisses Dennis. Gwen walks in and sees them. Gwen tells her she’s acting like a bitch. They begin to scream and fight, which everyone downstairs can hear. They count how many pushups Morgan can do while Mindy and Gwen throw things at each other.

They get a phone truce when Josh calls. Mindy tells Gwen she wants to be exclusive with Josh but he doesn’t with her, halting Gwen. Gwen hits the button and calls Josh back, giving Mindy the phone.

Jeremy goes to see Betsy in her room. He tells her he was never treated like a child. At ten he had to be a man and tell his mother that his dad wanted a divorce. Betsy does her “Gobble Wobble” song for her family.

Josh tells Mindy that is at a strip club in Atlanta. Mindy asks why he called and he tells her he misses her. Since he’s keeping it zipped for her, it might be nice if she keeps it zipped for him. He apologizes for not wanting to be exclusive earlier. She agrees to try it.

As they eat pie at the table, Mindy tells Dennis it’s good that they didn’t make out… he agrees.

All the hospital members take pictures of their situations and text them to each other. Danny get his from Mindy, and smiles.