'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 5: 'Danny Castellano Is My Gynecologist' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 5: 'Danny Castellano Is My Gynecologist' Recap Mindy wakes up Josh, asleep in her bed, to show him that she’s wearing his button-down and how adorable she is.

“You look like Drew Barrymore in one of those movies I hate.”

Josh suggests they play hooky, and goes to get coffee and croissants. Josh pulls on her jeans by accident—which are too big for him—and wants to wear them to the store, but she gets upset.

At work, Jeremy finds Mindy and asks why she isn’t returning his texts about the watch he left at her place, which she blows off, but he won’t let it go. Mindy finds Danny lounging in Dr. Schulman’s office, preparing for when he takes it over.

Betsy comes in to reschedule Mindy’s gyno appointment, and she says she will ask Dr. Shulman to be her gyno.

Jeremy finds Morgan and asks him about being a criminal, wondering if he can pick locks. Morgan says he doesn’t do crime any more.

Mindy tells Danny Dr. Shulman can’t take her as a patient, and needs to find a gyno she doesn’t have a personal relationship with. Danny says he would do it, but then that it would never work. Mindy follows him, questioning. He says she couldn’t be his patient because she has an attraction to him. She says he harbors feelings for her, and they argue. Mindy says he’ll be her doctor and she’ll prove he’s wrong.

Morgan and Jeremy head off to break into Mindy’s to “decorate” for a surprise party. Betsy comes along, happy to help.

Danny asks his new patient questions. Including if she’s sexually active, and when the last time she had intercourse was. And how she would characterize the nature of her sexual activity… he continues trying to make her uncomfortable so she’ll talk to another doctor. He also asks if she wants children. They argue about her future hypothetical children. He does the math, basically breaking apart her dream of all her children.

Morgan gets into the apartment for Jeremy. Jeremy admits that he is looking for his watch; there is no half-birthday party.

Mindy despairs in her office about her hypothetical children, while Gwen comforts her. Morgan comes in to give his alibi. He asks why she is on the floor, and prepares to listen to her. Morgan gives her prison wisdom. He encourages her to be a warrior version of herself.

Jeremy continues to ransack the apartment, Betsy trailing angrily after him. She berates him and gives him the watch she found.

Mindy confronts Danny and tells her she will see him in the exam room. He goes in to see her, awkwardly taking her urine cup. He asks to take her weight, but she hedges. Slowly, she steps on the scale, and he moves the weights slowly, teasing her, trying to win. Mindy summons her warrior, Beyonce Pad Thai.

“Weigh me, you son of a bitch.”

Jeremy, having regrets, leaves the watch at Mindy’s. He goes back to the office and shows Betsy he didn’t take the watch.

As Danny takes her blood pressure, Mindy tells him he’s a good doctor. She asks about his parents and if they’re the reason he got into it.

His mom cleaned hotel room and he hasn’t seen his dad in 25 years, that’s why he is who he is. She thanks him for feeling they have enough of a personal relationship that he could open up to her. The breast exam is next. Nervously, he examines her face instead.

She drops the exam gown, and as he tries to bring himself to examine the now-bared breasts, she makes a little “mm,” freaking him out. She wins, Danny leaves. Mindy announces to everyone that he couldn’t finish her exam because of her feelings for her, and Danny takes the week off.