'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 4: 'Halloween' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 4: 'Halloween' Recap Mindy is out with Josh on a morning date. He is being his usual anti-charming self, and tells her to join him at the ESPN Halloween Party, and to dress to impress.

“As long as you look great tonight, no worries.”

She chafes at his instructions, but he pretends to go through his phone to line up a backup. She says she’ll think about it.

Danny comes out of his office, not phased as a screaming grim reaper pops up. Danny lies about an errand he has to run, sweating profusely and blaming it on an Ab Roller. Mindy and Shauna send him off rapidly, not interested. Danny meets Jeremy in the elevator and they sneak off.

Mindy sees Tom while walking through the hospital. Cheesy music plays, but when she opens the swinging door she beans him in the face and cuts his face.

She stitches him up, reminding him she never got him a wedding gift.

“Go back in time and don’t ruin my wedding.”

She apologizes. He apologizes for hurting her—and stops recording their conversation in case she was planning to hurt him again. She tells him about Josh, trying to explain him, but Tom just thinks he sounds like a jerk. Mindy admits he was supposed to meet him but might just end it. Tom tells her not to settle, and Mindy is impressed they’re being so mature and evolved.

The mystery of what is making Danny sweat turns out to be the DMV. He and Jeremy are going to get their licenses, to the amusement of the much younger kids doing the same. Danny studies frantically for his driver’s test.

Mindy, refreshed, thinks it was good running into Tom and handling it well.

“It’s so weird, being my own role model.”

Morgan wants to see what he looks like, so they check his Facebook page. They notice a sonogram picture, shocking Mindy. She says he didn’t tell her because he feels sorry for her, a pathetic spinster with no prospects. She calls Josh and agrees to go to the party.

At the DMV, Danny is getting even more worked up. He wants his license so he can be a man, and go where he wants, when he wants, and hit the open road. Jeremy is just tired of carrying his bulky passport to the bar.

Mindy recruits Morgan, Betsy, and Shauna to help her find a costume. They struggle. Sexy? Ironic? Funny? Finally Mindy has Betsy text Josh that her patient is in labor and she can’t make it after all.

Danny gets his score for his written exam, the same score as Jeremy. He is amazed he passed—finally, it turns out, as DMV employees congratulate him. Danny stokes himself up for the driving portion, but his teacher, Barbara, isn’t as charmed by him as she is by the cool Jeremy. Danny sweats profusely. Trying to flirt with her like Jeremy did, he goes through a stop sign, almost hits a kid, and then crashes into Halloween decorations. Back at the DMV he is furious with Jeremy, who has everything come easy to him.

Mindy is staring at Tom’s Facebook and watching old videos she took of him. She goes home and watches “In Sickness, Health, and Murder,” petting her cat. Then she realizes she doesn’t have a cat and throws the stray back out the window.

“Who the hell are you??”

She calls up her best friend and chats to her daughter, who reminds her that Linus in “The Great Pumpkin” never gave up hope. Bolstered, Mindy goes through her apartment, trying to piece a costume together.

Jeremy and Danny go to leave the DMV, but Barbara is waiting for him, ready to give him another try. She passes him. Danny thanks Jeremy for charming her into it. Jeremy admits he told her Danny was molested in a car.

“No wonder she was crying and patting me on the shoulder!”

Mindy, dressed as Diane from “Cheers,” goes to see Josh, who is Inigo Montoya from “The Princess Bride.” He admits he cyber stalked her to find her favorite movie and called all over the city to find the costume. They head off to the party.