'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 2: 'Hiring and Firing' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 2: 'Hiring and Firing' Recap On the subway, Mindy is narrating. If you look hard enough, you will see love everywhere. On her commute to work, she points out the new couples, and the old. It turns out she is narrating her beautiful insights aloud to Danny, who she has run into.

Mindy goes to the book store, which she doesn’t usually do unless she can get a free tote out of it. She meets Seth Meyers, and wants to combine their purchases for a free tote bag. He argues, and they agree on joint custody. He takes her for frozen yogurt, which she hates every flavor of, and finally a pretzel. When relating her story to her work pals she confesses she gave the tote to a homeless guy.

Danny doesn’t like the man. He thinks he has too much time on his hand and sounds like a bum—but he’s not. He’s an architect.

Mindy encounters Nurse Beverly putting deodorant on in the staff room. She asks about some blood results, but Beverly insists she hasn’t been smoking pot, and storms out.

Mindy brings Danny, Jeremy, and Dr. Shulman into her office for a meeting, as she is a partner. She explains about Beverly’s lack of professionalism. She has found the blood tubes she was looking for.

“This one simply says fat lady.”

She says that Beverly has got to go. They agree that Jeremy should fire her. Danny volunteers to hire a new nurse, but Mindy wants to do it. In fact, Mindy interviews candidates. The first that she likes is Claire, who shares her love of rom coms. Danny goes to Shulman, explaining the situation.

“When a hot woman does it, it is whistle blowing.”

Shulman just believes that the two should work together. The two go through interviews, none of which end well.

“I’ve seen child soldiers in Africa with better manners!”

They encounter the track suit wonder known as “Ransom,” whose actual name is Morgan. He is looking for a job, and recently released from an upstate prison. He insists he has given up his car-jacking life. They assure him, no, he did not in any way get the job.

Meanwhile, despite his best efforts, Jeremy seems unable to fire Beverly. He encourages her to leave and explore the world. Mindy finds out that Beverly has not been fired, and she talks with her, firing her.

Beverly punches her in the face.

Danny moves to help, laughing, but it turns out she is actually bleeding pretty heavily. Ransom steps in during this moment of crisis, setting her nose and calming her down.

Mindy hires him.

On the subway, she and Danny are arguing again. To shut him up, she speaks loudly, pretending he is her husband, and has broken her nose. But, she tells their fellow passengers, it’s not his fault.

He has a disease.