'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 19: 'My Cool Christian Boyfriend' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 19: 'My Cool Christian Boyfriend' Recap A man brings a huge box onto the subway as Mindy tries to get off, and she misses her stop. She complains to him, and asks what is in the box.

It’s baby strollers for Haiti. They argue back and forth, and he abruptly turns on her and asks for a date. She tries to get off at the next stop but a band comes in and blocks her in.

Mindy tells everyone at work about the cute do-gooder guy she met on the subway. Danny is pessimistic about it. Jeremy and Danny remind her they are doing good at the women’s prison, where Mindy refuses to go.

Mindy goes on her date with the hot guy. They have a great time talking about New York. Mindy begins to eat, but her date stops and prays. He tells her he is a minister.

Mindy tells Danny that she went out with a minister. She asks him to go with her to his service since he is religious.

Rishi is spending his Spring Break at Mindy’s . She comes out in church clothes—excessively prim, with a giant hat.

The hat doesn’t go over well in church; no one can see over it. Reluctantly she removes it.

Techno music starts—Djed by Moby. When the minister, Casey, comes out, everyone cheers and stands. He starts off with a strange story about how he hates God. He makes them all chant it… but tells them God loves them anyway.

He continues his cool guy, relaxed sermon. He sings Bruno Mars with autotune.

“I am totally gonna nail Pastor Casey.”

After church she goes to say hi to him, and says it was unbelievable. She introduces him to Danny, but Catholic Danny isn’t thrilled with how it went. Mindy tells him she wants to see him again—he says that he had fun and is attracted to her, but the driving force of his life is selflessness, and he didn’t feel that she is ruled by that.

“You just don’t think I’m a good person,” Mindy realizes.

Mindy comes out at work and says she is going to the prison. They carpool there, trying to talk Mindy out of it, but she gets offended that no one things she is altruistic.

Morgan goes over rules for the prison, trying to get Mindy to dress like a boy and everyone gets an alias.

At the prison, Mindy begins to panic, especially when a women tells her she likes her hair.

Jeremy makes his announcement to the women and tells them to line up. All the women line up in front of Jeremy. Morgan yells at them and makes them break up into three lines.

“This is the worst day of my life,” says Mindy. Her first patient tries to bite her.

Mindy gets another patient, who thanks her for her help, and asks her to catch her up on “Real Housewives.” Mindy gives her a candy bar as a gift, and her pashmina, but the spell is broken when she asks if she has any old keys.

As the woman leaves the exam, she drops the candy bar. A riot ensues. The woman who told Mindy she liked her hair chops off a huge hunk of it.

Mindy is embarrassed at the end of the riot when all is fixed. Danny administers to a cut on her face, and she almost cries realizing that she started a prison riot trying to help to impress Casey.

Morgan is not happy on the way home, yelling at everyone for not listening to him. It doesn’t help that Mindy pepper sprayed him when he tackled her trying to protect her.

Rishi and Mindy are out for food when Casey walks by. He sees her and comes in to find out what happened to her—Rishi does the talking about what a great person Mindy is. Casey shows off his Big Brother kids from Haiti.

Mindy dismisses him. Casey apologizes before he leaves. Rishi isn’t impressed, but Mindy gets a text from Casey asking if he can see her again.