'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 18: 'Danny's Friend' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 18: 'Danny's Friend' Recap The group counts as Danny does pull-ups. 38!

Jeremy comes in and does 39, just to win. Morgan tries to take a go, but the bar, and Morgan, fall, and he farts loudly.

Mindy makes breakfast for Maggie, when there is a knock at the door.

It is Heather. She apologizes for the incident at the Christmas party. It turns out Josh was also dating another girl as well. Heather has brought her a “humble pie” as an apology. She also wants her blessing for applying to live in the same building. Mindy tells her it’s a free country and Heather leaves, happy.

Mindy won’t let Maggie eat the pie. At work she has Betsy take a letter to the apartment complex, denouncing Heather.

Jeremy comes in to talk to Mindy. He has found evidence of prescription fraud—Danny is supplying himself medication.

Mindy calls him into a room filled with their friends. It is an intervention. He insists he is not a drug addict.

“And who serves wine at an intervention?”

Danny goes to leave, but Morgan stands up and says he knows what is going on. He explains that he came back to work late, realizing he had forgotten something. He saw Danny with someone, swilling from a flask as Danny stitches him up, and gives him some pills.

They find Danny in the break room and confront him about the criminal he has been helping. Mindy is certain he is in the mob. Danny says his name is Stevie and he’s an old friend who gets into trouble from time to time. Danny agrees to talk to him.

Danny brings Stevie to lunch and tells him there’s concern from a legal standpoint. Stevie says he doesn’t like the way the other doctors are pushing him around. He groans, clutching his shoulder, and asks for more vicodin.

As Mindy tries to find correct running shoes, Stevie comes in apparently with the idea of yelling at her, but gets distracted by her shiny hair. She sits, and he puts her shoe on for her, and invites her to ice cream.

Mindy goes to work and tells everyone she met a charming guy and made out like crazy. She shows Morgan a picture. Morgan insists that Danny look at the picture.

Danny calls Stevie, who insists he went to talk sense into her, but it ended differently. Danny insists he end it with her, but Stevie gets distracted scalping tickets to the Ice Capades.

Danny goes and tells Mindy the truth, horrifying her. She wants to call the police, but Danny says he hasn’t officially cut him off yet. Mindy goes to talk to him.

At Mindy’s house, she has insisted Morgan come. She changes, making Danny uncomfortable. Heather shows up again, with a “new neighbor” cake that is now obsolete because they denied her application. Danny tells Mindy to tell her the truth.

Mindy admits she sent a letter to the board. Heather freaks out and hits her in the face with the cake, and attacks her. Morgan and Danny throw Heather in the shower.

The group goes down to talk to the board president, and Mindy admits she sent the letter. She also admits she is the “dryer bandit.” He agrees to look over the application again.

Mindy and Danny head to Staten Island, Morgan sick on the ferry. Danny is worried about Stevie’s reaction but Mindy insists it will be fine.

Stevie is not happy. They all begin to argue but his mother comes out, and invites them all in. She tells Mindy that Stevie is really keen on her, and greets Danny as an old friend. Mindy has his mother show her old pictures of Stevie so Danny can talk to him. She sees an old picture of Danny, who was a fat kid, and takes a picture on her phone.

Stevie and Danny argue, which turns into a slap and pinch fight, until a collector’s plate gets knocked over and they sober up. Danny admits he was worried about Stevie seeing him in his new job, but Stevie says he is proud of him.

Morgan comes in, finally overcoming his sea sickness. They notice Stevie’s mom’s pill box is a mess, and tell her which pills not to take, realizing some combinations are making her sick.

Stevie and Mindy “break up,” and they all leave.