'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 14: 'Harry & Mindy' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 14: 'Harry & Mindy' Recap Mindy talks about the romance of the Empire State Building. She says that every weekend she buys a ticket and hangs out in the lobby, hoping to meet that special someone.

Security brings her in.

“I’m here to meet that special someone. And when I do, we’re going to go to the top and then BOOM! Fireworks!”

She describes her ideal man to the security guard. He calls in Homeland security.

At work, Betsy tells Mindy there’s something wrong with Danny. She opens the door and finds Danny asleep on the floor in his underwear. He has a serious hangover.

Jeremy comes in and tells Danny to get himself together. Mindy tells him to throw himself into work. Jeremy says he will take her patients on Thursday so she can enjoy Valentine’s Day, which he is hoping to avoid.

She says she can enjoy her day with Jamie then. Danny moans about being lonely.

Jamie and Mindy walk down the street after their date at the art museum. Jamie’s friend Lucy comes up and joins them after work. Mindy decides she wants to set Lucy up with someone, but Jamie warns her she is super picky. He brushes off Mindy’s suggestion.

Mindy runs in to tell Danny she’s setting him up with Lucy. He reluctantly agrees.

Morgan tries to hit on the pretty girl from the morgue, but she doesn’t seem interested. Morgan goes over how he can get her attention with Jeremy, who decides to help.

Danny knocks on Mindy’s door, ten minutes early, which she doesn’t appreciate. He is less than enthused about her outfit, and they go to her closet to pick out a new one.

She comes back out in a LBD, and they do a shot together.

They go to the restaurant. Danny sees a fake salmon on the wall and gets upset because it reminds him of Jillian. He makes them switch seats with him so he doesn’t have to look at it, and sits beside Lucy. She asks why he hates salmon, and he starts talking about Lucy.

Mindy tries to kick him but gets Lucy. Lucy helps comfort Danny, and Mindy is pleased to see them connecting. She brags about it to Jamie, who doesn’t look excited.

Jeremy assists Morgan. It’s not very hopeful.

Over dinner things are still going well between Lucy and Danny. Lucy tells Jamie that Danny will help her pick out her first tattoo. Jamie starts eating off her plate as Danny feeds her. Mindy tries to feed Jamie but he’s too focused on Lucy. Mindy forces Jamie to eat off her fork and he chokes, but rushes off and won’t let Mindy help him. He tries to Heimlich himself on a parking meter. Mindy chases after him and gives him the Heimlich.

At the end of the night, Mindy tries to go home, but Jamie says no. He’s going to take her to the most romantic place ever—they go to the Empire State Building. She is thrilled.

Before they go in, she wants him to tell her that he isn’t in love with Lucy. She gives him hypothetical situations… and he realizes he’s in love with Lucy. Everyone awws and she has to explain that she isn’t Lucy.

Jeremy observes Morgan trying to talk to the morgue worker. It works… strangely.

As they go home Jamie dances around, so excited to have realized he is in love with Lucy. She’s not as excited as he is for the help she has given him.

He comes back to earth, suddenly, when they see Lucy and Danny making out.

Jamie interrupts them, and Mindy tells Danny they broke up, and no making out on her stoop. Jamie admits his love to Lucy, and they kiss. She tells him she loves him too.

Danny gets Mindy and they go take a walk to get away from the lovebirds.

Jeremy runs into Morgan, who is upset. He was dumped the moment they finished having sex. Jeremy doesn’t understand the issue… he got what he wanted. Morgan wanted a relationship, however. Jeremy wants to make it up to him.

They go to the batting cages.

Mindy rants to Danny how close she was to spending Valentine’s Day at the Empire State Building, the most romantic place ever. Danny says this is her problem—that she was made to think that was romantic. He takes her to his favorite pizza place, and shows her where he carved their names into the table. He admits he still misses her. He tells Mindy the most romantic place in the world isn’t something she can predict.

They cheers their pizza slices and wish each other a happy Valentine’s Day.