'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 13: 'Harry & Sally' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 13: 'Harry & Sally' Recap In bed, Mindy and Brendan look at the constellations on the ceiling. He turns on the light, pulling random stuff out of her bed, including a frying pan.

“I need a flat surface to write letters on. For correspondence.”

Mindy invites Brendan to go to a cocktail party with her, but he says no. He asks if they can just keep it simple. Mindy rolls over to go to sleep, and he tries to snuggle with her to make up for what he said, but the giant knife under her pillow complicates things.

Mindy checks with Jeremy and Danny to see if they’re going to the party, and gets defensive about going alone.

Mindy brings her friend Maggie to the party. Maggie is in a wheelchair with a broken femur, and Danny has brought Jillian, who has both eyes now and is stunning. Jeremy comes up and Maggie asks him to wheel her to a smaller room. She confronts him in the corner, boldly.

Mindy chats with the hosts, and isn’t thrilled that there aren’t any single guys. Mindy tells Danny she loves his new girlfriend, being way more excited about it than he is.

A man walks by with a plate full of food and Mindy helps herself. Turns out it’s actually his plate (B.J. Novak!). Mindy is mortified.

A lady pops up behind him, Jamie (and Lucy). Mindy is disappointed, but the three chat. Jamie is a Latin teacher. Lucy goes off, and Mindy chats futher with Jamie. He asks for her number, but she shoots him down. When she figures out Lucy is his best friend, she is confused. Especially because Lucy comes back to sit on his lap. They agree to go out.

Mindy tells Jeremy and Danny what happened. They’re surprised as well that Lucy and Jamie aren’t a couple. They think the two maybe, are meant to be, like in all the movies Mindy loves.

Danny and Jillian go out for coffee. He burns his tongue on Mexican hot chocolate. She breaks up with him. He seems okay with it, and more upset about the spicy hot chocolate.

Mindy asks him what happened later, and tells him he should have made a big scene. Morgan and Betsy agree he should make a big gesture.

Mindy goes out with Jamie, and seems to be having a good time. She gets a text from Brendan telling her to come over but tells him she is busy. She asks about Lucy, and he reassures her they have been friends for 15 years, and if something would have happened it would be done by now.

“I don’t want to be that rando that Gerard Butler wastes his time with before he realizes he’s really in love with Kate Beckinsale.”

They get a bottle of wine sent to them… from Lucy. Jamie thinks it’s cool. Mindy thinks it’s kind of “stalkerish.”

Jamie calls Lucy to thank her. They get chatty. Mindy goes to the bathroom. She ducks out and goes to Brendan’s.

Danny goes to see Jillian at the zoo, where she works with the sea lions. He brings Morgan, who blasts music while Danny tries to romance her and ask for a second chance.

She isn’t impressed. Morgan asks why it’s ending.

“Honestly, Danny, it’s because you’re kind of a jerk. You show no interest in my life.”

They go to leave. Morgan tries to buy a penguin off her but she sends them on their way.

In the concession line at the movies, Mindy and Maggie run into Brendan. His date comes up and kisses him, surprising and annoying Mindy.

Mindy and Maggie sit in the back of the theater, and she chucks popcorn at him during the film. They meet in the lobby. She confronts him.

“How can you be intimate with so many people?”

He tells her she’s confusing intimacy and sex. She asks if he’s dating the woman, but he won’t quite answer. He reminds her that he’s not her boyfriend, and leaves her crying under 3-D glasses.

She and Maggie lay in bed later while she talks it out. She says she really liked him.

“Was it because he worked upstairs from you? Or because he had a bad personality?”

Mindy says she also blew it with Jamie. She’ll never get a second chance with him. Maggie suggests one of her big gestures.

Jamie is singing to his class when Mindy walks past, dressed with a hat and whip like Indiana Jones, and goes in. She apologizes to him about being insecure about the Lucy thing. She asks for another shot. He agrees.

Morgan comes in dressed like Arnold Ernst Toht, asking if she wants to do the thing, but she dismisses him.