'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 12: 'Hooking Up Is Hard' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 12: 'Hooking Up Is Hard' Recap Jeremy Reed comes in to tell sleeping Mindy about the woman he met, but when she wakes up she’s wearing a scary mask. She tells him it’s to scare off murderers.

He points out that she’s there all the time. She tells him her plan was to marry rich but it’s not going well. He tells her that she should consider a casual sexual relationship so she can skip dates and move to the good part, and start enjoying life.

Danny comes in when she pulls her mask back down and she scares the crap out of him.

Mindy goes into Danny’s office, where the midwives from upstairs are gathered because their birthing tub broke, and water is coming down through the ceiling.

Mindy asks Shawna about getting a one-night stand. Morgan overhears it and tells her she’s too pure to have disgusting random sex. She tells him she’s impatient and wants to have some fun.

She goes to consult Jeremy about it instead. She asks for advice, and he helpfully recommends she get her mustache lasered. When she explains, he tells her to find someone she is attracted to but doesn’t see a future with.

“Draco Malfoy?”

Maybe not someone fictitious, he clarifies.

In the elevator on the way home, she runs into midwife Brendan. She stares at him. She asks if he would be interested in her coming over to hang out the next night. He says ok. He gets it.

Mindy works out with her friends, who have different ideas of how well it will go. Mindy is not familiar with how to just “hook up.” They recommend she be the one to undress him.

At work, the eyepatch girl comes looking for Danny. Her name is Jillian. Mindy introduces herself.

“Can you please tell me what Danny’s apartment is like? In my mind it’s like a smoky speakeasy where old men go to complain about technology.”

Morgan wants a quick photo of her. Danny tries to hustle her out. He finds out her plans are kind of strange, and involve not eating until 11pm. He wonders when they will go to bed.

Mindy leaves a video on her computer in case she gets murdered on her one night stand. She leaves casting suggestions for the movie.

When Mindy gets to Brendan’s he opens the door shirtless. She starts to take off her dress but notices he has put on a sweater.

On the subway, Jillian continues discussing her plans for the evening, which involve an all male cabaret in a heatless theater. Danny fakes a call from the hospital.

Mindy gets situated with a drink at Brendan’s, and tries to not argue with him about epidurals. She goes to freshen up, and tries to go through his medicine cabinet, but turns on his high-tech bathroom. It tries to start a shower, trapping her. Brendan sings gently to his guitar as the shower attacks Mindy.

Brendan is reading a book when Mindy finally gets free and comes out in a robe.

“I’m really psyched to start hooking up with you.”

She tries to undress him but struggles with his pullover. She manages to knock out his contact. He takes over.

His brother Duncan comes in. Apparently it’s a shared space. Duncan brought a friend too—Morgan. Morgan hops on the bed and asks Mindy if he can be best man at the wedding. She tells him it’s not even a date, and he drags Mindy away from her hook up.

They all end up in the living room, eating snacks and watching a movie. Brendan and Mindy argue over candy straws. As Mindy goes to leave, Morgan has an asthema attack and she runs back to bring him his inhaler. It’s empty.

Brendan steps in, trying to calm Morgan. He makes him relax, and the attack ends. Mindy wants to take him to the hospital. Morgan is impressed, and tells Mindy he can wait if she wants to do Brendan.

Jeremy and Danny are hanging out at the hospital. Mindy is happy to see she’s not the only one having a bad night. Jillian comes in. She asks Danny if he didn’t like her plans for the night. He tells her they’re into different things. He might be too old for her. She teases him for being 38, and they kiss.

In the elevator, Brendan runs into Mindy again. She insults him, but ends up thanking him for helping her friend. As she goes to leave, he tells her they are going to have sex.

She goes to kiss him.

“Not… now. In an elevator.”

Mindy leaves smiling.