'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 10: 'Mindy's Brother' Recap

'The Mindy Project'  Season 1, Episode 10: 'Mindy's Brother' Recap Mindy has her New Years’ resolutions lining up… including get a new look, and get in shape.

Her new look is ruined by a grandpa in the same suit. The getting in shape dance class she takes leaves her in the dust. And new love? Maybe the guy on the subway smiling at her… oh wait, no. He’s packing a knife under his jacket.

Mindy calls her friends to complain (and stress vomit a little), and isn’t happy to find out Gwen and Alex are hanging out together. They say they must… Mindy never leaves her house anymore. She admits it’s the only place she feels safe.

That is until she notices the door open, and the place ranksacked. Someone is rifling through her pans… it’s just her younger brother Rishi.

Mindy takes him to work, where Betsy and Shawna swoon over him. She sends him off to study when Jeremy calls her and Danny in to tell them that their rent has doubled. They will have to move the practice. Mindy begins to stress vomit again.

They hustle her out and promise to take care of it. Mindy finds Rishi beatboxing and rapping in the break room. He admits to Mindy he’s leaving Stanford moving to New York to pursue music full time.

Mindy begins to stress gag again.

She discusses it with Danny, who tells her to cut her brother off. They get into the elevator with Brendan, the midwife. He offers to help Mindy with her stress barfs by using hot stone therapy.

“Stones are baby rocks.”

Jeremy and Danny go to see their landlord, but only the son is left. He plays with Nerf guns while he verbally insults the boys.

Mindy accidentally comes in while her brother is in the tub, covered with bubbles, working on music. He gets lippy with her and she kicks him out.

“Mindy, we come from the same uterus!”

Danny and Jeremy go to see George, who has been put into a home by his irritating son. They notice George has eyes for Esther, who is dominated by Manny who won’t let anyone put the moves on her. The boys offer to help him.

Mindy finds Rishi at her work, because Morgan let him sleep at his house. Mindy stress hurls.

Jeremy cuts in on Esther, charming her, and Danny is left to take on Manny. Jeremy shows her George, who is waiting with flowers, and the two run off together.

Mindy gives in and goes to see Brendan, as Chloe Silverado, to deal with her stress nausea. Brendan puts stones on Mindy, who has a commentary for each one. He gives her advice for her brother.

George and Esther are happy together, and George is willing to lower the boys’ rent for their help. Manny comes back, and demands George get away from his wife. A fight ensues.

Mindy goes to see Rishi perform at a rap battle. He is happy to see her, but his backup singer left, so now he’s stuck. He asks her to do back up, but when she sees how many people are out there, they both stress barf. Morgan steps in.

Morgan fails, of course. Mindy goes on stage and grabs the lyrics, and recites them. Except the sexy parts.

“I’m not gonna say that to my brother.”

At the end of the night, Mindy is happy that her brother is deciding to go back to school.