'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 24: 'Take Me With You' Recap

'The Mindy Project' Season 1, Episode 24: 'Take Me With You' Recap Mindy and Casey practice sex via video chat. Morgan buzzes in.

Casey comes in from the other room. She says it won’t work. She should just go to Haiti with him. He is all about that—they do need doctors. She regrets what she said, but then thinks about it. She decides she will go after all.

The three doctors speak to a patient who will deliver triplets. They’re excited to work together to deliver them all as a team.

Danny brings Mindy shopping to help him make his apartment more woman-friendly so Christina will feel more comfortable. Things are getting serious—the two are going camping.

 Back at work, she discovers Mindy Pool—the other employees are betting on how long she will last in Haiti. She tells them she is tougher that they think. She invites herself camping with Danny.

The two couples plus Morgan head camping. Casey suggests she chop her hair off for Haiti but she hates the idea of being non-sexual. Who would want her?

Around the campfire, Morgan tells them a scary story. Danny digs his nails in Christina and they tease him about being scared. Morgan is literally on fire, and Mindy puts him out.

In the tent, she brags to Casey how brave she is. In Danny’s tent, he makes Christina do another tick check. He asks her to move in. Morgan asks if he can bunk in the tent with them; he is lonely.

Casey is reading a book and it wakes Mindy. She asks about tent-time in Haiti. He tells her the tent will be even smaller. She seems to realize he annoys her.

At her going-away party, Mindy apologizes to God. She has decided not to go to Haiti. The Deslaurians seem to know she is having second thoughts. She runs into Jamie, who says that he and Lucy got engaged. She quickly introduces him to Casey. He is impressed the two are so close and can share a tent in Haiti.

Danny, trying to escape the conversations and all the talk about the artistic pictures of him Christina has hung, goes to smoke but finds Mindy eating her cake. He says by the time she gets back he will probably be married again. He seems worried about being rushed.

Mindy calls Casey aside and tells him she can’t go to Haiti unless they’re engaged… even though it’s only been three months. She know it’ll be weird but they can do long-distance. Casey tells the guests that the day he met Mindy he met his future wife. He kneels, but she tells him she doesn’t want to propose and she doesn’t want to go to Haiti. She thinks she sucks enough that he wouldn’t have proposed. Casey leaves. She gets ready to go but beepers go off—the triplets are coming.

Jeremy, Danny, and Mindy run off, and deliver the babies. Mindy asks her If she isn’t just terrified of having 5 people in her apartment now. The woman tells her sometimes you just have to say ‘yes.’

Mindy runs to Casey’s apartment. She yells at the windows trying to get to Casey but the neighbors yell and throw hangers at her. She yells that she is pregnant, and he comes to the window. She tells him she was wrong. They are good together, and she got scared. He tells her no that she can't go with him. She shows him that she chopped all her hair off. He comes down.

At work, Danny tells her he hates her hair but it could grow on him. He tells her he told Christina that he wants to slow things down. He notices Mindy  has something on her glasses, and takes them off, and cleans them and puts them back on. They share a long moment. She tells him she and Casey got back together and she is going to Haiti.