Worst Celebrity Influence? Naw. Miley Cyrus Wins Global Action Youth Leadership Award

Worst Celebrity Influence? Naw. Miley Cyrus Wins Global Action Youth Leadership Award Oh, the double life of Miley Cyrus. And we're not even talking about Hannah Montana.

Though Cyrus was voted "Worst Celebrity Influence" by AOL's Just So You Know website in honor of all the actress/singer's recent racy pictures and bong-smoking shenanigans, her post-teen antics didn't seem to bother a group of teens in California.

Cyrus was named the first ever recipient of the Global Action Youth Leadership Award over the weekend.

Cyrus went to California and attended the ceremony, where she said she was moved beyond belief to receive the award. Hilary Duff was the hostess for the event, and presented the award to Cyrus.

"I've got to tell you that I never thought I would get an award from Hillary Duff. This is like a dream come true to me. She inspired me," Cyrus told Digital Spy.

"I want [kids] to do something they love. Not something that seems like a chore because someone tells them that's the right thing to do or what their parents want or what's important to people around them, but what's in their heart," she said.

In receiving the award, Cyrus was recognized for the work she does with the "Get Your Good On" Campaign for Youth Services of America, as well as "Blessings in a Backpack," a group Cyrus works with to help feed hungry schoolchildren.

Do you think this could be the “event” that makes Cyrus turn her life around and keep from getting in to more trouble? Are her wild days behind her?