Miley Cyrus Slams Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood' Video: 'I'm Not Sure How Titties Are Worse Than Guns'

Miley Cyrus Slams Taylor Swift's 'Bad Blood' Video: 'I'm Not Sure How Titties Are Worse Than Guns'

Miley Cyrus wants to know: Are titties really worse than guns?

The "Wrecking Ball" singer brought up that question in an interview with Marie Claire, becoming the latest celeb to slam Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" music video.

"I don’t get the violence revenge thing," Cyrus said about Swift's video. "That’s supposed to be a good example? And I’m a bad role model because I’m running around with my titties out? I’m not sure how titties are worse than guns."

For those unfamiliar with the video, it features Taylor Swift and many of her famous friends (including Cara Delevingne, Selena Gomez and Lena Dunham) in various roles made to look like femmes fatales. While there isn't gratuitous violence in the video, there is a lot of weaponry and explosions, plus a few fancy martial arts takedowns.

Cyrus' comments are a new angle in the attack on Swift's video, as a Twitter feud started between her and Nicki Minaj when the MTV Video Music Awards nominations were announced. Minaj blamed the "Anaconda" snub on the fact that she had curvy women of color in her video instead of "skinny white girls," which Swift took to be a personal attack and countered by chastising Minaj for attacking other women when there were plenty of men taking up nominations.

Later, Katy Perry weighed in by calling out Swift over her "women attacking women" comment by noting that "Bad Blood" is a thinly veiled attack on Perry herself, and that Swift has benefited greatly from the "feud."

So you can now count Perry, Cyrus and Minaj on the team against Swift. Let's hope her group of supermodel assassins stay on her side.