Miley Cyrus Announced She's Pregnant...Sort Of

Miley Cyrus Announced She's Pregnant...Sort Of

Miley Cyrus took to Instagram today to announce that she's pregnant...with a pizza baby.

It would seem that Miley has had quite enough of the rumors flying that she and Patrick Schwarzenegger are expecting a baby, as perpetuated by gossip mags like Life & Style.

Life & Style and other tabloids have been following Miley's relationship with Schwarzenegger and seemingly making a bunch of stuff up. The magazine included a story a while back that the couple had actually gotten married, with a little person performing the ceremony and wedding bands made out of rolling papers.

After that, the mag and other tabloids claimed that Miley was "notoriously lax about birth control" and that she had gotten pregnant, leading Schwarzenegger to dump her.

Literally none of these things happened.

Still, Miley deigned to at least joke about the rumors today, where she posted a Photoshopped pic of her getting an ultrasound done (by her friend Cheyne Thomas) with nothing but pizza showing up on the screen. "The rumors are true..." she wrote on Instagram.

Hey, if you can't beat the tabloids, at least mock them.