'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 9: 'Mike Takes a Test' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 9: 'Mike Takes a Test' Recap Mike honks as they speed through traffic. Molly finds it odd, since they’re only going to dinner at his mother’s. Mike tells her that since she’s dating his boss, they’re expected to be on time. He tells Molly to be nice to his mother.

“Even Gandhi would take a swing at that woman.”

After dinner, they sit down to talk. Mike’s boss asks about them starting a family, and Mike over-shares. His boss tells him he should take the detective test, which would increase his salary quite a bit.

The men go to walk the dog, leaving Molly and her mother-in-law alone and tense.

On the way home, Mike is still amazed that his boss wants him to be a detective. He doubts he would be able to do it. Molly reassures him.

Carl, however, doesn’t think he could be a detective. He thinks that the captain is only trying to help Mike because of Mike’s mother.

Mike goes in to talk to the captain, and is ready to take the detective test, but he doesn’t want any special favors. This offends the captain. He assures him he will be tested even more severely considering his close proximity to the captain.

While Mike is studying, Molly tries to get him upstairs but he resists her charms… until they become too strong. However… he has other things on his mind, and fails to deliver.

Molly continues to push him the next day but he needs to study. Carl, in the kitchen, hears what happened, and teases him while he studies in the car.

Mike comes home but won’t eat, he goes in the basement to study. He is wearing himself out. Molly goes down later, where he has fallen asleep, and tells him that she’s okay with the job he has. She reminds him he hangs out with detectives all the time he probably knows more than he thinks. He realizes that he does, but that the technical jargon is confusing him and throwing him off.

“It’s just making stupid stuff sound smart!”

Mike takes the test, and passes. He’s about 100 names down the list, but he passed. And now that he has his score, he’s ready to get back to work makin’ a baby.