'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 8: 'Thanksgiving is Cancelled' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 8: 'Thanksgiving is Cancelled' Recap Mike is sick, and so Thanksgiving dinner is cancelled. Molly goes to break the news to the rest of her family.

It’s a holiday miracle! The ladies are delighted they won’t have to cook.

Carl and Samuel discuss what to do for Thanksgiving. Carl suggests a singles’ potluck at church, where there will be lots of single ladies. Samuel and Carl decide to play the immigrant card, and Carl will play translator.

Molly tries to feed her sick man chicken noodle soup but he’s being whiney. Vince comes in and finds out that there will be no home-cooked meal, and he had invited his brother.

He and Joyce argue about their wedding, which doesn’t seem to be coming any time soon, so Vince probably shouldn’t be calling Joyce his “wife” to his brother.

Vince therefore gets stuck sleeping with Mike. Vince laments the complexities of women while Mike waxes poetic about bendy straws. Vince decides life would be better if he were gay. Mike needs to throw up, so Vince goes to get a bucket. Mike hopes this will all turn out to be a fever dream.

In the kitchen, Vince’s clamoring at 6am wakes Molly. He is going to cook. Molly tells him he can’t be mad at Joyce for her getting annoyed over him dragging out the engagement. Vince tells Molly he has no money for a wedding.

Guilty, Molly dons an apron to help.

She regrets it though when Vince rides her about everything.

At the church, Carl and Samuel, who is garbed in traditional Senegalese gear, realize that the single’s crowd is the elderly. Carl assumes the younger crowd will filter in later.

“It’s like walking into the ‘Thriller’ video.”

Carl’s grandmother berates them for their bad intentions, and puts them to work.

Joyce goes into Mike’s room, looking for earrings. Mike asks for a drink but she goes on a rave about men against him. She decides it’s time to light a fire under Vince about the wedding.

The dinner is complete, and Vince’s brother Francis comes in to get introduced. Joyce comes down in a tight dress. She flirts openly with Francis.

At the church, the dancing has begun. Carl and Samuel dance with tiny old ladies. The two ladies decide to take the party back to their place for cobbler and football. Carl and Samuel debate whether to go with… and decide whatever happens at the assisted living facility stays there.

Vince tells drunk, flirtatious Joyce to back off his brother. Molly forces Vince to admit that he’s broke. He wants to be able to take care of Joyce. Joyce says she doesn’t care about that.

Mike, smelling the food, stumbles down, sweaty and disgusting.

Joyce and Vince get married at the courthouse. Francis gives his brother a financial gift to help them out.