'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 6: 'Yard Sale' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 6: 'Yard Sale' Recap Molly is trying to make room in the closet, moving stuff into the basement. Mike gets annoyed that she always moves his stuff into the basement. Mike says maybe they should start looking for their own place, but warns Molly she’ll have to be frugal. They discuss both getting second jobs.

As Mike and Carl get lunch and plan their fishing trip, Christina comes in. She brings Carl back some of her stuff, and tells him she and her ex are trying to make it work, destroying him.

In the basement, Molly is organizing the basement, which is actually pretty nice but totally full of crap. Her mom suggests that the two move down there and make it into their own apartment.

Molly sets up the stuff from the basement in a yard sale. Mike, ready to head out for fishing, is alarmed to see how much of his stuff she is trying to get rid of.

Carl’s grandmother drives up with him, trying to unload the depressed Carl onto Mike for the weekend. She forced Mike to take him.

The boys load up in an RV and head off for their fishing trip. Carl, unfortunately, is not in good spirits despite Mike trying to cheer him up.

Peggy shows up at the yard sale, finding gifts that she gave them and giving Molly ‘tude. Molly ties to sell her goods, but they’re rather marked up. Peggy runs into a fellow yardsaler, and they bargain. Molly asks Peggy to stay and help her, and she agrees—on commission.

Mike and the boys have reached their campsite, but Carl refuses to go fishing. That evening they’ve come home empty handed, and blame everything on Carl. Carl is still sulky, and Mike tries to cheer him up again. Carl apologizes for ruining everyone’s weekend.

Mike reminds Carl that he met Molly, and there’s a woman out there to love Carl just as much. He manages to perk Carl up and Carl proudly shows off his abs, worrying Vince when he walks back into the RV.

At home, the basement has been cleared. Mike comes down to find Molly enjoying her old tap shoes. He’s excited about the empty basement—he can make it his man cave, and bring down his fuseball table…

Only Molly sold it. She distracts him with more sweet dance moves.