'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 5: 'Mike's Boss' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 5: 'Mike's Boss' Recap Mike and Molly are excited for their night out, dinner and a movie. And a nice dinner, too, nowhere with a playground or a mascot. That is, until a call from Mike’s mom puts a damper on things. She’s insistent she has a raccoon in her attic. Molly says they’ll swing by.

At the weird and paranoid Peggy’s house, all Mike can find in the attic is poop left behind by Peggy’s dog, Jim. Finally, they get away from her and begin to leave, but then she ruins the ending of the movie they were about to see.

At lunch, Mike spills BBQ sauce on his uniform. Bad timing, because the captain comes in. He wants to talk to Mike about his mother—he really enjoyed her company at the wedding and was hoping Mike would ask her if she would like to go to dinner with him.

This causes quite a stir at home.

“You know, I saw him dancing with her at the wedding. But we were all pretty drunk at that point, no one was making good choices.”

Peggy calls again, sure that the raccoon is back, and Mike reluctantly goes to see. He doesn’t find the raccoon, again, but he found the Mr. Binkey she told him the Devil took when he went to bed. He leaves to go back to the dinner Molly made him.

“Boy, when she says jump, you say I wish I could.”

He tells Peggy that she is driving herself crazy staying cooped up like that. He asks if she would be interested in going out with someone.

Mike goes to see the captain and gives him his mother’s number, with her warning, “If you’re looking for an easy spread, buy some Miracle Whip.”

He wants to make sure that this won’t affect him and his livelihood in any way. The captain says no, he’s just doing a favor… for a friend. He gives Mike courtside Bulls tickets.

Mike and Molly go to the game, where Molly has to constantly resist the urge to trip the other team. They discuss “pimping out” Peggy and decide it’s worth it. Even more so when he gets a great new high-tech police vehicle to drive around.

However it all falls apart quickly when Mike gets called in by the captain. Turns out Peggy has been feeding him some stories about what a terrible, negligent son she has, and her party-girl daughters-in-law. Peggy comes in, all done up, with a picnic, full of innocence.

So, to maintain good feelings, Mike and Molly are stuck at Peggy’s house regularly. Mike seals the attic off for the imaginary raccoon, and heads off sulkily to walk Jim while Peggy flirts with her new man on the telephone.