'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 3: 'Mike Likes Cake' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 3: 'Mike Likes Cake' Recap Molly going through her wedding pictures but is annoyed to see that all the ones of Mike are terrible—eyes closed mouth open. Like usual, according to Joyce.

Mike comes in eating cake, and Molly asks if it’s the wedding cake from the freezer. It is. She told him it was to save to eat on first anniversary for good luck. He says only got one piece at the wedding—and Molly shows him pictures that prove otherwise.

Out for lunch with Carl, he says he’s back on his diet. Carl says good, because he’ll want to look nice as best man at his wedding to Christine. Christine said she wanted to take it slow but he’s hoping if he speeds things up she won’t know what’s she’s getting stuck with.

Molly has her friend making video of the wedding, however, it turns out he was bored in places, and does a voiceover. He also couldn’t hear Mike’s vows, so he goes over those too. It is also largely shots of Molly’s sister’s cleavage. Molly insists he stay with her in the classroom until he gets it done right.

Hoping to surprise Christine with lunch, Carl and Mike take her a sack to work, and run into football player James Turner, who is sexy, cool, and successful. Mike gets a picture with him. Christine comes out, but she tells Carl she is getting lunch with James—her ex-husband.

“Oh, my God, you divorced James Turner. How high is your bar, lady?”

Having a bit of a man crush on James Turner, Mike can’t stop singing his praises to everyone, even during the premiere of the wedding video. Luckily, everyone has come prepared with tequila. Christina texts that she can’t make it, and Carl has a breakdown. Everyone does a shot when Mike eats something on the video, and get tanked.

At work, Carl asks if anyone said anything after he left. Mike says he knows he’s a very sensitive man, but Mike’s sure Christina had a good reason for not showing up, and Carl agrees that he trusts her… but they can’t quit circling her block just yet.

In bed, Mike ask Molly if their relationship is solid. Mike is worried she’ll get sick of him one day, but she says she won’t. She is not pleased to see that his picture with James Turner looks so good, while in his wedding photos he looks miserable, however.

“What can I say; it was a very special day for me.”

Carl calls Christina and leaves a buttload of angry messages. His grandma says the woman is clearly putting space between them and the more he pushes the more she will push away. She says Christina is trying to let him down easy, but Carl runs off to prove her wrong.

Christina comes to the door when he knocks, and says she wants to talk, but now is not the time. James comes out to see if everything is ok, and Christine admits she’s trying to work it out with her ex.

Comforting himself to Mike, Carl says he’s better off.

There’s only one thing he can’t wrap his head around—“why didn’t she love me?”