'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 17: 'St. Patrick's Day' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 17: 'St. Patrick's Day' Recap

Molly has to maintain an odd, legs-in-the-air position optimal for conception for a certain length of time. Mike goes to go upstairs but she insists he stay and talk to her. The two wax poetic about what their future baby will look like… until the timer goes off and he rushes upstairs.

In the card Carl tells Mike it will be the best St. Patrick’s day ever. Mike tells him he won’t be able to attend, upsetting Carl, who realizes it’s because Molly is ovulating.

Victoria reads “Romeo and Juliet” aloud, practicing with Harry, who is helping her with her homework. Molly comes in and picks up the rest of the lines. She and Harry get a little competitive about who understands Shakespeare better.

Mike mourns missing St. Patrick’s day, but Molly says she is upset about it too. Mike teases her about what sort of innocent mischief she would get up to—but she shows him a scar from elbowing a handsy man in the mouth after whiskey shots, shocking Mike.

“I also kept his tooth for a while. I wonder what I did with that.”

Mike is surprised he doesn’t know about this bar fight. She tells him he doesn’t need to know about every fight, or which Chicago Bear she’s “tongue wrestled” with. The past is past.

Carl and Samuel go to Nana’s house to raid it for supplies while she is gone. She comes in unexpectedly. They argue as usual, and she halts Samuel making off with towels.

Harry is still trying to explain the play to Victoria. Discussing the love scene, they share a moment until Mike comes in and interrupts. Harry rushes off, and Mike tells Victoria that Harry is crazy about her. She admits sometimes when he leaves, she misses him. Mike says that’s how he feels about Molly—who busts in and orders him back to bed for another round.

Vincent brings green beer for Harry, who is waiting for Victoria to DD her to a party. Harry insists he is just her study buddy. Victoria comes in, proud of her D-, the best grade she’s ever gotten. Harry congratulates her, and she kisses him. He leaves in a tizzy.

At Carl’s, he is getting down, but the rest of the party-goes are pretty mellow. Samuel points out something is missing—there are no females. Carl insists they’re all getting ready, and planning to make a grand entrance.

At Mike and Molly’s, she is in her fertility position, still rattling off stories. Victoria comes down and asks if they know what happened to Harry. Molly and Mike wonder if they can still go to the party. Victoria admits she kissed Harry.

Upstairs in her bed, Victoria reads when pebbles hit her window. Outside, Harry apologizes for running out. He tells her that the kiss changed his life. Victoria encourages him to say what he’s feeling—she thinks she feels the same.

“I’m gay!” he declares. He felt nothing when she kissed him, and knew he was gay for the first time.

Mike and Molly come outside, and he tells them he’s gay. They ask if he is still going to the party, dressed to go.

More people have arrived at the party—but still all dudes.

“Well the good news is, our toilet seat is covered in green urine,” Samuel says. The doorbell rings, and it’s Mike and Molly. Victoria comes in and Carl announces that she’s a single woman. She says she needs it—she is off her game. As she walks through the room, a trail of men follow her. Harry tells Carl he’s gay, and Carl tells him he will enjoy the party more than anyone else.