'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 15: 'Mike The Tease' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 15: 'Mike The Tease' Recap 'Mike & Molly' - Season 3, Episode 15: 'Mike The Tease'

Molly’s hormone levels are “outstanding.” Mike wants to know if she’s worried that something’s wrong, but she says she just wanted to be ahead of the game and get checked out to make sure all is well. He reminds her the doctor told them it will probably take a while to get pregnant.

Vince comes door-to-door selling carpet cleaners. He got a part-time job selling vacuums, and does his speech on them.

Mike eats with Carl, discussing Molly’s concern about pregnancy. Carl suggests he go get his sperm tested.

Molly, Joyce and Victoria discuss the situation when Vince comes in, having had a rough day at work.

Mike read a book on fertility and is in the basement working out, trying to be healthy to increase his sperm count. Molly asks him when they’re going to get going, but he wants to maintain his sperm for a while.

He comes up in the evening, where Vince is still licking his wounds. He and Mike talk about Mike’s sperm count. Vince gets Mike worried. He thinks there might be something wrong with Mike that he hasn’t gotten Molly pregnant yet. They wonder if there might be something in his family he doesn’t know about.

Mike goes to see his mother and asks about how easy it was for her to conceive. She says it was difficult and took a long time, blaming it on his father. She was even going to leave her husband, but finally got pregnant and ended up staying. All great and comforting news for Mike.

Worried, Mike goes to get his sperm checked. Meanwhile, Samuel donates some sperm, encouraged by Carl.

At school, Molly has a young boy after class for detention. Mike’s mother comes in, and scares the boy so Molly sets him free. She gives Molly her “knock ‘em up chowder.” She says sperm runs slow on that side of the family, and it will help. She tells Molly that Mike is worried he can’t give Molly a baby and is concerned she will leave him if he can’t.

Molly calls Mike, who has fallen asleep in the room. She tells him she will never leave him. The talk gets dirty. He tells her she’s at the sperm clinic “with an empty cup in my hand and two friends making kissing noises outside the door," and she helps him out.

Mike gets the call from the sperm clinic—his sperm is fine. He and Molly go to go upstairs, but get interrupted by Vince, who is now going door-to-door selling solar energy. Molly slams the door in his face and she and Mike run upstairs.