'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 16: 'Molly's New Shoes' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 16: 'Molly's New Shoes' Recap Mike and Molly are finally moving into the basement. Mike starts packing up clothes he has lost weight and no longer wants to wear. Molly suggests he hang onto a few of them… at last until the end of Girl Scout cookie season.

Mike insists they get rid of them, and even go shopping for some slimmer clothes.

Mike and Carl work out. Carl suggest Mike try his work out to really lose weight. The captain comes down to talk to him. He and the captain toss a weight ball back and forth as they chat. He explains that he is growing very fond of Mike’s mother. He thinks he may be ready to give up police work and enjoy life with her. He is going to ask her to marry him… and then they can move to his condo in Arizona. Mike gets a little upset at the idea of her leaving the house, and leaves.

Carl, Samuel, and Mike sit outside and reminisce about his childhood home.

As Mike tries on new clothes, Molly is surprised by his news. However she thinks “if someone’s crazy enough to marry your mother, you hand her over.” Mike gets further upset that Molly is so excited about her leaving. He worries his mother is getting pushed around.

Mike rushes off wearing the clothes he was trying on, leaving Molly to pay. She goes looking for him. The chicken sampler guy directs her toward him.

Molly gets a chair massage as Mike walks around behind her. He doesn’t see her, and continues to set off security alarms with his pants. Molly gets new shoes and a make-over at the cosmetics counter. She gets her nails done. She chats her issues out with her salespeople.

Mike meanwhile has hunkered down at information and is eating candy while he talks to the guard and waits for Molly. She walks past, arms full of bags, which she tries to hide when he calls to her.

On the way home they yell at one another, Molly claiming she was in a panic.

Victoria gets praised for studying at home, as Mike and Molly slam inside. He gets annoyed about living in the basement and having no clothes left and stomps off in a fit.

At Peggy’s house, she shows off her new engagement ring to Molly and her son. Mike is still all worked up. He goes to walk Jim. The captain comes outside to talk to him..

Inside Molly mentions the move to Arizona, and Peggy gets angry at the suggestion… all new to her. She goes outside and starts yelling at the captain about his idea of bringing her to Arizona. Mike and Molly dash off to avoid the fight, and the captain gets left outside in the cold.

Later, Mike goes to shovel his mom's walk. The captain meanwhile, is stuck doing chores in the house Peggy insists they will never, ever leave