'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 14: 'The Princess and the Troll' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 14: 'The Princess and the Troll' Recap Molly watches a show on natural child birth. She is curious about underwater birth.

She and Victoria try to watch but it’s grotesque. Mike comes in, also grossed out. Molly decides she’s rather just be drugged up when she gives birth.

At lunch, Mike and Carl discuss their plans for Valentine’s Day. Nothing special. Carl decides he’s going to be Samuel’s mentor. Mike steps in and tells Samuel to just find a nice girl and ask her out.

Carl tells him they’re both going to a place where women go… a laundromat.

Mike goes to Overeaters Anonymous to tell them he has lost forty pounds. Harry goes up to tell them he is up four pounds. Valentine’s Day is his trigger… he gave his heart up that day, and it was broken. He proposed to someone, and she threw the ring at him, ten years ago. Molly is touched.

On the way home, Molly and Mike discuss him. Mike thinks Harry should try a dating site. Molly wants to fix Victoria up with him, but Mike is skeptical.

At home, Molly tries to get Victoria to go out with Harry.

Victoria agrees. Mike and Harry go shopping to find him a nice outfit to wear for his date.

“And to think. Last week I was going to jump in front of a bus.”

Joyce and Vince go to leave for Dirty Cirque du Soleil, surprised that Molly and Mike are planning to stay in. Victoria comes down, in a tight dress, ready for her date with “Larry.” Molly sends her back up to find an outfit that puts her boobs away.

Carl and Samuel go to the laundromat to meet ladies, but it’s empty. Carl promises they’ll be there soon, they just need to wait. He has it all planned out.

Victoria waits for her date, but Harry hasn’t shown up. Molly and Mike reassure her she hasn't been stood up.

Mike calls Harry, and finds him on the stoop, his arms full of flowers and candy. He is panicked. He doesn’t think he can live up to Victoria's standards. He is a troll, and she is a princess.

Mike talks him into coming inside. Harry gives the flowers to Molly, for making a dream come true. Victoria comes down, and he gives her the candy, trying to maintain a level of calm. They go on their date.

Carl and Samuel are not having success at the empty laundromat. Carl suggests they go walk around and find women whose nights are not going well, and offer them a shoulder to cry on. Samuel thinks Carl is a perverted genius.