'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 11: 'Carl Gets a Roommate' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 11: 'Carl Gets a Roommate' Recap Molly comes down to the basement with the supplies from the hardware store, but she finds her husband paging through her old yearbook.

They measure the wall, which leads to an argument. Molly wants to hire a professional but Mike insists he can do it.

Carl is at his grandmother’s getting ready, slash letting his grandma do his laundry, when Mike comes to get him. Turns out he’s also taking her food. His grandmother boots the two out.

Mike suggests he get a dog or a plant if he’s lonely. Samuel comes over, frustrated. One of his roommates moved in his wife and screaming baby, and he’s running on no sleep. Mike suggests Carl have Samuel move into his second room.

Molly and Mike work in the basement. She wants to play with the glue gun but he won’t let her. They go to apply the paneling to the cement wall. Her glove sticks, and when she goes to rip it, the panel comes with it. Molly grabs the glue gun but it’s stuck to the table. When she tears it off, it sprays glue everywhere, including on Mike’s face. She tries to wipe it off and her glove sticks to his face.

She runs to make him a sandwich.

Mike goes to see Carl at his apartment, missing an eyebrow. Samuel comes in, having done Carl’s laundry. And cleaning. And cooking.

Vincent tries to help Mike, but the result is a big gap between panels and a lot of yelling.

Upstairs, Molly hears him yelling to himself. The doorbell rings, and it’s Samuel. He goes downstairs to see Mike, who is duct taping the gap. Samuel complains about how Carl is using him, while Mike has him nail up the panel. He goes upstairs to get a beer, leaving Samuel to work.

Carl hangs out at his grandma’s while she’s gone. She’s not thrilled to see him on the couch when she comes back in with a male friend. She yells at him, but he tells her being away from her makes him realize what good care she took of him. She tells him it’s time to take care of himself, but invites him over for Sunday dinner.

Carl goes back to his apartment, where Samuel has made a nice dinner… not for him. A woman comes out and Samuel tells Carl he was just leaving. He get booted out.

Carl goes to Mike’s, who has him working on the wall.

The wall is finished. Molly is happy when she comes down and sees it all up. She considers pulling off Mike’s other eyebrow, but he sends her away.