'Mike & Molly' Season 3, Episode 11: 'Fish For Breakfast' Recap

'Mike & Molly'  Season 3, Episode 11: 'Fish For Breakfast' Recap Molly is preparing fish for breakfast.

“Smells like a walrus threw up in here,” Mike says. Molly tells him it’s good for women trying to get pregnant to eat more fish. They’ve also switched from caffeine to herbal tea, whether he likes it or not. She reminds him their sacrifices will be worth it when they have a baby.

Carl’s grandmother calls upstairs, warning him to get up and get rid of the tramp next to him. Mike comes in to a grumpy Nana. She is not happy with all the women Carl been bringing home. Mike and Carl go on patrol, and Mike gets dreamy over Carl’s coffee and biscotti.

At home, Molly’s drinking tea while Joyce chugs a glass of wine. Victoria comes in with Chinese, but Molly has to just enjoy her tea while everyone around her groans about the delicious food.

She lies later to Mike about how good she is feeling on her new diet. They go to kiss and Molly’s stomach begins to growl. She also has a migraine from the lack of caffeine. She makes Mike go downstairs to get them an apple.

On the couch, Vince is eating ice cream and watching the Food Network. Carl shows up at the door—his grandmother has kicked him out. Mike tells him he can sleep on the couch… and Carl brings in his date.

Mike brings up the apple and peanut butter, and Molly asks what happened downstairs. She isn’t happy there’s a strange woman in the house. The woman in question opens the door—she thought she smelled weed. Molly redirects her to Victoria’s room.

During lunch Carl thanks Mike for letting them crash. He tells them he can’t continue staying however; no more whores. Carl goes to his grandma’s, but she has changed the locks. She lets him in, but she has packed up his stuff. She tells him he needs to get his own place. They argue. She tells him it’s time for him to grow up. She loves him but he needs to go.

Mike and Molly look over advertisements for places for Carl, but he shoots down their suggestions.

He also orders a pizza, which he decides to eat on the porch after the hungry looks Mike and Molly cast his way.