'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 6: 'Shoeless Molly Flynn'

'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 6: 'Shoeless Molly Flynn' Mike is in the kitchen going over credit card statements and bills. Mike has some ideas where they can cut back but Molly counters his offers. Molly attempts to protect her water cooler, but ends up spilling the jug of water everywhere and knocking herself over.

Over breakfast with Carl and Samuel, Mike admits he's having nightmares about losing control of his life and money.

Molly stares in store windows at shoes she has promised Mike she will not buy. She convinces Victoria to go in and try them on for her. The pair she wants is the last one left and in her size. She buys them.

She has minor regrets at home, especially when Mike comes home and she has to hide them. He notes her new shoes and yells at her for spending "his" money, which infuriates her and she storms off.

Vince makes a hero's breakfast for Mike the next day after listening to the fight. Molly comes out and informs Mike she's going out to get a job so she can have money too. Vince tells her that he has a friend that teaches the undocumented to drive.

Molly goes to an employment ageny, but can only get offers of manual labor. She goes to take the driver's ed job. She pulls up to a stop next to Carl and Mike, and forces her student to run the red light. Mike insists Carl follow her. It becomes a chase. Carl suggests that Mike apologize. When Molly finally stops, they argue. She admits she's worried she's not a good writer, and buys shoes to make herself feel better. Mike tells her if they make her feel better, to keep the shoes.

Molly has her student drive her back to the store to return her shoes... and the belt and purse she also bought. She can't return them, only for a store credit, so she goes off with her new outfit.