'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 21: 'This Old Peggy'

'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 21: 'This Old Peggy' Mike and Molly show up to dinner at Peggy's, but Peggy has forgotten about inviting them. She's distracted by the fact that her ceiling is leaking... and then when it caves in and the bathtub falls down through it.

Carl and Samuel come to help Mike repair the ceiling. Peggy admits to Mike that she forgot to turn the tub off and left it on all night... and day.

Vince and Joyce suggest that maybe Peggy's age had something to do with it. Molly thinks perhaps that Peggy did it on purpose so Mike would have to spend time over there fixing things.

Mike worries about Peggy's mental state, but Carl thinks she's fine... until she comes in, topless, from washing herself in the sink because she forgot the boys were there working.

Molly and Mike sit Peggy down to have a discussion with her about her memory issues. She's worried they're going to put her in a home, and Mike steps in to say they'd take her in before that. Peggy goes to storm off, but can't find her car keys. Mike reminds her they drove her, and she goes to look at the basement as a future home.

They take Peggy to the doctor. In the lobby, Peggy makes a run for it. Molly hunts for her around the hospital. She finds Peggy in the chapel praying to not lose her mind and become a burden. Molly comes in and promises that they will always care for her, and Peggy goes to her appointment.

It's good news - she had gone off of her blood pressure medicine, and was acting loopy because of it. However, Carl cut through electric cords thinking they were pipes, and now Peggy has to stay with them.