'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 16: 'The Dice Lady Cometh'

'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 16: 'The Dice Lady Cometh' Molly, Victoria, and Joyce prepare to leave for a girl's weekend at a casino.

Meanwhile Mike is having a boy's weekend, with plenty of junk food. Carl stops him, and reminds him the department fitness test is coming up. In an effort to shut him up, Mike goes to the basement to press 60% of his bodyweight. Carl reminds him he also has to run a mile.

Molly has determined not to gamble, only to relax, but after her massage Joyce and Victoria talk her into shooting at one of the tables. She continues to win. When she's way ahead, Victoria and Joyce suggest they cash out, but she insists on staying.

Carl find Mike eating nachos and takes them away. Mike admits he doesn't think he'll pass the fitness test, and get stuck on desk duty.

Joyce and Victoria come back from the buffet to find Molly still at the table, her luck taken a bad turn. She's lost all her money and then some.

Carl finds Mike on the porch and apologizes. He wants to get him to run the mile by next week, and he's sure Mike can squeak by.

Joyce and Victoria keep Molly in the hotel room. When Victoria takes a shower, Molly makes a run for it. Joyce tackles her but Molly wraps her up in the bed and escapes. She finds a chip on the floor and uses it.

Mike and Carl have been gone for a while. Finally, they return, Mike carrying Carl, who has torn something.

Molly comes home and shows Mike her major winnings, 10 grand.