'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 15: 'Rich Man, Poor Girl'

'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 15: 'Rich Man, Poor Girl' Victoria brings home her new man, James. Joyce and Vince moon over him. Mike gets a little jealous over how well they're treating him, but Molly reminds him that Victoria loves to dump good guys.

Mike discusses it over food with Carl. Apparently Victoria isn't into nice guys. They wonder over why girls like bad guys.

Joyce and Vince attempt to Google James to Internet stalk him, though Molly warns them it's futile to get attached.

Victoria comes in from training for a 10K, and has given up smoking weed for her lawyer boyfriend. Joyce thinks James is a great influence.

Victoria asks Molly for help in getting dressed. She's meeting James' parents, in a conservative outfit. She tells Molly she hasn't felt this way about a guy before. Molly gets excited about the situation and starts spouting off how the four of them can be old married couples.

James comes over and charms everyone by bringing gifts. Molly goes up to check on Victoria, who has been taking a long time. She finds the dress on the bed and the window open, her sister missing.

Molly rushes off to find Victoria, searching for her at the club. Mike, Carl, and Vince take James out for a beer as he mourns the situation.

Molly finally locates Victoria. Molly tells her they all see how special she is and want her to have a guy that can appreciate it. Victoria admits she was scared by all the pressue.

At home Molly finds Mike attempting to read a book to do more of the things Molly likes. He can't believe she married him, since they have so little in common. Molly explains how much she loves him.

The next night, Mike tries to play Scrabble, to bond more with Molly. Victoria tells everyone she and James broke up. She tells him he got scared... of her family.