'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 14: 'Open Mike Night'

'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 14: 'Open Mike Night' Samuel is an official American citizen! Everyone celebrates with some drinks. Samuel invites them to go to open mic night. He's always wanted to perform but hasn't had the courage: Molly encourages him to go up. She also encourages Harry to cut the apron strings, but Mike warns her she shouldn't meddle.

At work, Samuel practices his stand up comedy in an attempt to get prepared for open mic night. His jokes fall flat, until he begins to make fun of Mike.

Harry bursts into the house. He has left his mother's care, and plans to stay with them a while until he can figure out his life. Mike is not pleased when he finds Harry and Harry's cat camping out in the living room. Mike insists that Molly is messing with the natural order of things.

The next morning Molly searches for Chairman Meow to give him his suppository. Mike complains to Carl about Molly encouraging everyone to change. Mike realizes that Molly has also been encouraging Carl to sing.

Joyce tells Mike he has to control Molly. She's also been encouraging Vince to go back to hair dressing, and her pin curls look terrible.

At open mic night, Carl and Victoria go up and sing. Mike is impressed that they're taking the chance. Molly reminds him that he takes lots of chances in his life and he is very brave.

Samuel goes up to do his comedy, and it goes over well.

Mike goes up on stage, and dedicates a song to his wife, finding the courage to sing.