'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 11: 'Weekend at Peggy's'

'Mike & Molly' Recap, Season 4, Episode 11: 'Weekend at Peggy's' Molly finds herself locked out of the house, with the spare key missing from its position. She calls for Victoria but gets no response. Finally Victoria comes out, but Molly has fallen in a snow drift, and Victoria gets locked out as well. They try to stay calm... Molly breaks the window.

Joyce is angry about fixing the window and the broken gnome they used to bust it. She adds it to the money Molly owes her.

Molly tells Mike about it, and is furious that Joyce always holds her debt over her head. Mike admits that he has lied about his car insurance going up and instead has been putting money aside... he can pay off Joyce's debt.

Molly gives Joyce a new gnome and a check for her debt. Joyce tells her she's not comfortable with it and tries to give the check back. She and Joyce begin fighting about money, Molly insisting she works off the cost of living there by helping around the house. Molly declares she and Mike are leaving.

They pack up (Mike, reluctantly), and take off. They end up at Peggy's.

Molly finds her at 3 a.m., vacuuming and disoriented. She is sleepwalking due to her sleeping pills. Molly guides her back to bed. Peggy asks Molly to lay with her and drags her into bed. Mike hears her and comes in to tell her it's best if someone says with her. Mike leaves her trapped in Peggy's embrace.

Molly finds Peggy's dog licking her feet and is disgusted. She's hating living at Peggy's... she tells Mike she tried to take a bath and Peggy followed her in. Mike asks if they can just go back to Joyce's house. As they talk, Jim, who they have been walking, disappears. Mike and Molly argue blame as they search for him, until Jim reappears nearly an hour later.

Since they're near Joyce's house, they ask to go in so Jim can warm up. Joyce and Molly make up as they warm the dog and Molly.

Mike and Molly move back home.