Michael Sam Gets Drafted, Becomes First Openly Gay Player in NFL: Watch the Tearjerker Video

Michael Sam Gets Drafted, Becomes First Openly Gay Player in NFL: Watch the Tearjerker Video NFL history was made today; but this football first had nothing to do with the record books.

With the 255th pick of the 2014 draft, the St. Louis Rams chose former University of Missouri football player Michael Sam. It's not often that something especially notable happens in the last few picks of the draft, but in this case, it meant the drafting of the first openly gay NFL player.

Sam came out earlier this year, about a month after the completion of the college bowl season. The defensive lineman had just been named Defensive Player of the Year in the SEC, and was preparing to enter the draft.

That meant the possibility of Sam becoming the first openly gay player in the pros, but it wasn't a done deal...until today.

Sam reacted the same way that many other players react when learning that they've been selected for a pro team: He shed some tears, and he kissed his significant other. But this time, there's a significant weight to the moment for millions of people besides Sam and his family.

Watch the heartwarming video below: