Michael Moore Goes Ballistic on the Rachel Maddow Show, Tells Wisconsin Lawmakers 'This is War'

Documentarian Michael Moore is known for being over the top in his support of unions (see "Roger and Me”), and for being incredibly vocal in the fight against the Wall Street execs who profited from bailouts (see “Capitalism: A Love Story”).

On Wednesday, he turned up the volume on “The Rachel Maddow Show” in response to recent developments in Wisconsin, asking people to go to Madison to protest the anti-union measures which were passed by the state’s Senate through a highly unusual set of parliamentary maneuvers. Moore also waved handcuffs at the camera and threatened jail for Wall Street execs in the process.

Moore said of the legislation, which stripped collective bargaining rights from public union workers: "This is war. This is a class war."

Madison has been the scene of massive protests over the last couple weeks, as the state’s new Republican Governor Scott Walker proposed anti-union measures as part of his annual budget. In response, Democratic Senators fled the state in order to stop a vote from being held on the measure.

Republicans responded with their latest gambit, stripping fiscal issues from the anti-union measure and holding a vote on the measure as a separate issue from the budget, eliminating the necessity for Democratic participation.

The bill passed (though not without a skirmish), and union officials across the country are up in arms, threatening to spread their protests nationwide.

“When people who have to work for a living are directly attacked...they fight back,” said a visibly agitated Moore, who then whipped out a pair of handcuffs on the show and waved them at the camera with a message to “anybody who works on Wall Street, anybody who works for the banks”:

"This is what's coming. This is what's coming for you. Because the people are going to demand justice, they're going to demand that your ass is in jail."

Watch Michael Moore Flip For Wisconsin: