Michael Che's Grandmother Dies from Coronavirus

Michael Che's Grandmother Dies from Coronavirus

More and more celebrities are trying to believe that the coronavirus pandemic is caused by anything other than a virus. As he announced his grandmother's death from the virus this week, Saturday Night Live writer Michael Che also pitched the idea that the pandemic is driven by mysterious signals from cell phone towers. At least Che, however, admitted that he has no idea what he's talking about. Read on for details.

Via Page Six.

“Saturday Night Live” star Michael Che announced on Monday that his grandmother died from coronavirus on Sunday.

“I’m doing okay, considering. I’m obviously very hurt and angry that she had to go through all that pain alone,” the 36-year-old comedian wrote in a lengthy Instagram. “But I’m also happy that she’s not in pain anymore. And I also feel guilty for feeling happy. Basically the whole gamut of complex feelings everybody else has losing someone very close and special. I’m not unique. But it’s still scary.”

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i swear, im fine.

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The note then takes on the contours of a particularly late-in-the-program “SNL” skit, riffing on various conspiracy theories — like that 5G networks cause the virus, writing, “I actually believe this is is 5G poisoning. And not because I’ve done any research on this, or even understand what 5G really is.”

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Shoutout to Doug.

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He added of the theory that COVID-19 developed because of a human-ingested bat, “I just refuse to believe I lost my sweet, beautiful grandma because some n—a ate a bat one time.”

In the post, Che also talks heavily about eating healthy foods, condemns the fast-food industry for delivering, and goes after the media.

“Maybe tell people what they should be eating and what foods to avoid … instead of just posting death tolls as your lead story every g—-mn day!” he writes.

Get the rest of the story at Page Six.

Do you believe COVID-19 is caused by "5G poisoning"? Let us know in the comments below.