'The Messengers' Season 1, Episode 2 - 'Strange Magic' Recap

'The Messengers'  Season 1, Episode 2 - 'Strange Magic' Recap

We open with Vera in Rose's hospital room, contemplating whether she should go through with killing her at Lucifer's request. A flashback shows the moment when she lost her son, Michael: she was in an airport and, after she turned around for literally about a second, he was gone.

But just before Vera is about to do the deed, Rose bolts up in bed, completely awake. She speaks in some unknown language to Lucifer, and he's gone.

Apparently Rose has been in a coma for the last seven years, but she still somehow knows who Vera is and where they have to go next.

They leave just before Joshua arrives, and as fate would have it, the truck Peter hitched a ride with was delivering medical supplies, so he ends up in the same spot. So do Erin and Raul, after Erin brings Raul in to treat his gunshot wound. Of course, he never ends up needing that treatment since Erin just heals him on the spot with her new powers.

Ironically, the six strangers all convene in the hospital's (non-denominational) chapel: "You are The Messengers," says Rose.

Rose reveals some facts that we mostly knew, but our heroes didn't: they're the angels of the apocalypse, and the man that Vera was talking to was indeed the devil himself. According to Rose, it's their mission to use their gifts to prevent the Rapture.

Vera's gift remains a mystery, but we know Rose's now: she has the "gift of understanding," meaning that she understands "whatever God wants" her to. That includes being able to speak every language known to man. Pretty cool, huh?

Vera gets a call from her co-worker Alan with some bad news: the government has shut down all of their research. Luckily, he still has the rock they recovered from the impact site.

She's about to meet up with Alan when Joshua stops her: "I saw your son," he says, referring to his vision he had in the chapel that showed a man with a prosthetic arm at a race track, and Vera reuniting with Michael.

Erin and Raul have a scary run-in with a cop...apparently Erin has caused an Amber Alert as she's suspected of kidnapping her own daughter. Raul manages to read the cop's mind and take him out before they're arrested, but the law will definitely be on their tail from now on.

The law is also on Peter's tail, as they use his friend to triangulate his location via his cell phone. The only ones who seem to not have police on them are Vera and Joshua, who are instead tracking down Ben, the man with the prosthetic arm that Joshua saw in his vision.

Unfortunately, Lucifer has gotten to Ben first, finding him at the track and challenging him to a game of chess for a big wager. As they play, Lucifer learns Ben's importance: he served with the son of a senator, and could lead The Messengers to that senator.

Vera and Joshua don't get to talk to Ben, though, as he's slammed by a bus after losing to the devil in his chess game.

Raul gets a nasty surprise when Erin drops him at his brother's house: the place was broken into and "sangre por sangre" ("blood for blood") is written on the wall...in blood. Raul pieces together what happened with help from his niece, who clearly doesn't trust him because, as he learns via his mind-reading, she thinks Raul broke up her family.

Raul is jumped before he leaves, though, and fighting off the assailants convinces his niece to go with him. It seems that maybe Nadia thinks Raul slept with her mom, breaking her parents up?

Raul stops off at a bar, where he happens to run into...the whole rest of the gang. Fate brings them together again and Rose reveals more: they have to find and stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in order to save the human race. Rose also reveals, at Joshua's prodding, that there's a seventh angel, someone who is yet to appear to them.

Before the episode ends, Joshua has one more vision. He sees what Rose thinks is the Horseman of War.