Megyn Kelly Attacks Seth Rogen Over Paul Ryan Photo

Megyn Kelly Attacks Seth Rogen Over Paul Ryan Photo

Megyn Kelly thinks that Seth Rogen should have taken a smiling picture with House Speaker Paul Ryan even though Rogen strongly disagrees with Ryan's actions in Congress. On Megyn Kelly Today this week, Kelly slammed Rogen for refusing to take such a picture, and in her outrage, she described a version of the incident that didn't actually happen. Read on for details.

Via Decider.

Megyn Kelly’s Today show segment on “incivility and intolerance in America’ turned momentarily into an attack on actor Seth Rogen, as Kelly ripped into him for the story he told on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Friday about encountering House Speaker Paul Ryan and his kids and refusing to pose for a photo with Ryan.

Kelly brought up the story, wherein Rogen talked about meeting two teenage fans of his who then introduced them to their father, who turned out to be Ryan. When Ryan subsequently asked for a photo with Rogen, the actor refused.”I couldn’t stop,” Rogen said to Colbert. “I said ‘Furthermore, I hate what you’re doing to the country at the moment, and I count the days until you don’t have one iota of the power that you currently have.'” Rogen then joked about how conflicted he felt in the moment, with Ryan’s kids being fans and all.

In Kelly’s re-telling of the event, Rogen “shamed” the kids in front of their dad. “He lectured the kids on how bad their dad was in front of their dad.”

“To me, that is so wrong!” Kelly exclaimed.

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Kelly ended up misrepresenting Rogen’s account in a few spots. For one, she said that Rogen refused to take a photo with Ryan’s sons. In Rogen’s telling of it, it was when Ryan asked for the photo opportunity for himself that Rogen declined. Kelly also doesn’t mention the age of the kids and makes them sound very young. Rogen described them as “young teenage men” (Ryan’s son’s are reportedly around 13 and 15 years old). Kelly also claimed that Rogen lectured the boys, quoting Rogen as saying, “These kids should learn that if they like a movie or a song, the person who made that probably doesn’t like their father.” According to Rogen’s story as related on Colbert, he didn’t say those words to Ryan’s kids, they were only his thoughts.

Get the rest of the story at Decider.

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