Mayim Bialik vs. 'The View'

Mayim Bialik vs. 'The View' “Big Bang Theory” star Mayim Bialik got her last laugh in after the ladies of “The View” made some rather unflattering suggestions about why the star might be divorcing from her husband of nine years, Michael Stone.

These include hints that her parenting style put too much strain on the marriage. Bialik is a firm believer in a unique approach to raising her children that means continuing to breast feed her four-year-old son, and insisting the entire family sleep together in the same bed on the floor. That includes both Bialik and Stone, her four-year-old Frederick, and seven-year-old Miles. Cozy?

However, sfter the verbal beat-down, Bialik noted triumphantly on her Facebook page:

“I like that less than a week after ‘The View’ bashed me and blamed me for my parenting choices causing my divorce, I got a residuals check for my appearance on their show from last year which was about my parenting book. Heehee.”

On her website, Bialik also noted, “The hands-on style of parenting we practice played no role in the changes that led to this decision. Relationships are complicated no matter what style of parenting you choose.”

Bialik announced her upcoming divorce previously on her Jewish parenting website, noting “Divorce is terribly sad, painful and incomprehensible for children. It is not something we have decided lightly."

She added that helping Miles and Frederick adjust to the change is her biggest priority.

“Our privacy has always been important and is even more so now, and we thank you in advance for respecting it as we negotiate this new terrain. We will be ok,” she concluded.