'Marry Me' Season 1, Episode 8: 'Stand By Me' Recap

'Marry Me'  Season 1, Episode 8: 'Stand By Me' Recap Dennah, Kay, and Annie wonder if maybe Jake taking care of Gil is crossing from adorable into creepy.

They sit Jake down and tell him they think maybe his caring for Gil is not actually healthy for Gil in the long run. As Jake is defending their relationship as perfectly normal, Gil bursts in and demands an inordinate amount of assistance for a situation he has gotten himself into, and Jake is forced to admit that maybe looking out for Gil is in fact making Gil unable to take care of himself.

Jake tells Gil he can't take the place of his ex, and it's time for Gil to start doing things on his own. Starting with getting furniture for his apartment. Gil gets offended and says he only lets Jake take care of him because Jake clearly needs to do it. They end up having a fight.  It's their first real fight.

Jake seems a little lost without Gil, so Annie tells him to just go ahead and do "him," whatever he wants. Gil, meanwhile, stumbles slowly, but begins to manage to do his own stuff.

Jake, not knowing what to do with himself, crashes brunch with the girls, and yoga, and succeeds in ruining their talk. Annie thinks things will be back to normal once he and Gil make up, but Jake says they're over.

Annie wants to try to patch things up between them, but Gil seems to be doing really well on his own, and that may ruin it. However he continues to follow the ladies around, so they arrange to run into Gil at the store. He and Jake don't make up, however, but continue to fight. It throws off the group's entire dynamic.

They decide Gil needs something to struggle with, so they buy him a needlessly difficult to assemble armoire in hopes that he'll call Jake for help. Gil puts it together on his own - Jake is proud of him, secretly, but sad that it seems to be proof he was holding Gil back all this time.

Gil, however, cannot seem to deal with the people who trim the trees at ungodly hours of the morning, and calls Jake to meet. He has confronted the trimmers, and they left him stuck up a tree.

Jake rescues him and they make up.