'Marry Me' Season 1, Episode 6: 'Bruges Me' Recap

'Marry Me'  Season 1, Episode 6: 'Bruges Me' Recap Gil is preparing for the Flemish Pride Parade, where he generally makes waffles, as Annie goes over old videos of her theater days. Well, backyard theater, as she was shy. Their officiant wants to get to know them better before the wedding, so she is busting out the old films. She and Gil break into an impromptu production of Cats.

When Annie brings her videos to the officiant, who isn't particularly interested, they discuss how Annie seems to know Jake's mom quite well, but Jake doesn't know much about Annie's dads.

In an effort to connect, Jake goes out with them for breakfast, but when they realize Annie isn't coming, it gets a little awkward. Kevin and Kevin (let's call them Kevin 1 and 2 for now, shall we?) find excuses to abandon the table.

Kevin 2 strikes up a conversation with Jake when they see a motorcycle. Excited for something to bond over, Jake talks up how great they are. Kevin 2 longs for the days when he had a "hog."

All that talk gets him interested in buying a bike again, and Jake gets an angry call from Kevin 1. Kevin 2 has puchased himself a motorcycle (or a scooter/moped, to most of us). Kevin 1 is sure he will kill himself. The Kevins argue about levels of commitment - Kevin 2 won't commit to being married, but he will buy himself a "two-wheel hearse."

Meanwhile, Gil is upset because his waffle stand has been pilfered. He and Annie decide to come up with some sort of musical show for the parade. However when they work together, things fall apart. They split. When Gil goes over to apologize, they get their "spark" back, and finally put together a number.

Jake realizes that some of the issue behind the motorcycle is due to Kevin 2's fear of marriage, which he can relate to, so he goes to find him at a gay biker bar, and discusses some of the fears he had about proposing to Annie. Kevin 2 realizes that Jake is right.

Annie and Gil go to the parade, which is sparsely populated, but Annie still has stage fright and locks herself in a port-a-potty. Kevin 1 comes to try and talk her out of it, and Kevin 2 rides in on his scooter. He proposes to Kevin 1, who accepts.

Annie, eager to see what is happening, comes out. Her dads getting engaged gives her courage, and she and Gil perform their song for all of the five or so people who have come to the pride festival.