'Marry Me' Season 1, Episode 4: 'Annicurser-Me' Recap

'Marry Me'  Season 1, Episode 4: 'Annicurser-Me' Recap Jake and Annie are celebrating their 6th anniversary of their first date, which, according to their friends, is a cursed date. As Annie is denying the curse, the lights go out.

Dennah notes that there is a tornado warning, and they're supposed to take cover. Gil whips out a duffel he has hidden, a secret "doomsday" prepper. He brings them all down to the basement and they go into the storage unit.

Annie cracks from old bottles of wine, but notes they have soy in them and Jake is allergic (one of the problems on their last date-iversary). He admits that he lied, because she saw a ring meant for someone else and thought he was about to propose. He pretended to be allergic to soy, because he was ring shopping and didn't want it to be a thing.

Annie says it's okay, but only if they agree no more secrets. This counts for the locked drawer in Jake's desk that suddenly everyone is interested in opening. Jake pulls Annie aside and says yes, there's a secret in there, but she needs to trust him.

Dennah and Kay disagree, and want it opened. Gil gets voted king, and has the authority to demand it open. Kay notes to Dennah's date, Liam, that Gil has a tendency to overdo it when he's in charge (like the time he brewed really good beer, and so brewed his own gasoline - accounting for the car fire for another date-iversary). Dennah is also attracted to power... like that time she hit on a cop on a horse, and caused the horse to kick Annie in the face on another date-iversary. She is suddenly all over Gil.

Jake throws the keys outside the unit, and Gil breaks the drawer open. Dennah kisses him, as Liam watches on. Annie finds out that the secret is a prenup, and is crushed. She crawls into the air vents as a way of freeing them, and also to escape Jake.

However, Jake tells her it was for the last woman he was engaged to (something Annie didn't know). She also happens to be the crazy woman who pulled the fire alarm on the initial date-iversary, ruining Annie's blow-out. Annie is pleased. They aren't cursed. The vent breaks.

On the other side, Annie tells Jake to burn the prenup, which sets off the fire alarm and brings in the sup to let them out. She decides they should be married one year from the day, and break the curse.