'Marry Me' Season 1, Episode 3: 'Scary Me' Recap

'Marry Me'  Season 1, Episode 3: 'Scary Me' Recap It's Halloween! Dennah, Annie, and Jake are going to go to their usual crazy bash, Hella-Rage, so Gil decides to go trick-or-treating with Kay.

Neighbor Julie comes to tell them there is a trick-or-treat safety briefing for the building, but she is only mandated to tell them about it. She clearly thinks they won't be there, and will instead be out being irresponsible. Julie is offended.

Dennah plans her outfit to Hella-Rage, but Jake and Annie haven't gotten their invitation. Jake wants to go talk to the person they know who runs the list, but Annie suggests they try something different, and stay home. She wants to do a haunted house for the kids.

She goes to the building meeting, surprising Julie, who shoots down the idea. She also tells Annie she has no maternal instincts. Furious, Annie decides to host a haunted house anyway.

Gil and Kay go trick-or-treating on the block that Gil has researched as being the best spot, but it's lame. He confesses that he's there to look in on his ex, Cassie. He's worried about her. However when they go to her door they find out she's having a party and a great time. Gil is depressed. He admits to Kay that he misses his wife, and his house and stuff - including the candy bowl he bought Cassie which she is using. Kay goes up and steals the bowl, but Cassie yells that her husband gave it to her, upset. Gil tackles Kay and returns the bowl.

Annie and Jake's haunted house is going great, until at the last moment, Julie catches them. They point out that everyone had a great time and nothing bad happened.

Dennah calls them to come to the rave, and says their invites were just lost in the mail. They aren't feeling it though, and she has to admit that she's not having fun. It's too loud and her gay ex shows up.

To celebrate their success, Annie and Jake go to fool around, and find a kid in their bedroom. He's having fun and doesn't want to leave. They take him to his apartment, only to find it doesn't exist. He says he lives at the end of the block, so they go there, but find no place. Annie is upset and decides they have to contact Julie and ask for help, as she really does have no maternal instincts.

Jake tells her that she will be a great mother, and the reason Mason wants to stay with them is because he loves her. Annie has an idea and tells Mason they're leaving him there at "home" in the alley. He confesses he lives in their building.

They take him to his apartment, only to find he is Julie's son. Julie threatens to call the police, but Mason screams at her that he loves them and wishes they were his parents. They all bury the hatchet.