'Marry Me' Season 1, Episode 14: 'Dead Me' Recap

'Marry Me'  Season 1, Episode 14: 'Dead Me' Recap Annie's job is taking up all her time lately.

Jake's identity gets stolen. Kay is trying to break things off with her side girls, but when one of them says she could fix Jake's problem, he makes Kay wait. Unfortunately, she later runs into Kay with Hailey, and decides to wreak revenge by making Jake dead. Not literally, just... where it counts. Of course it's a nightmare to fix, and work won't let him stay until things are straightened out.

His "death" leaves a temp position open at work, so Gil takes it. When Annie's work gets wind that Jake is dead, they finally give her some time off, so rather than tell them what happened, she takes the opportunity to get a break.

The two of them go to wind down at a spa that Annie designed, where of course they run into Annie's boss. Annie tells Janet that Jake is Jake's estranged brother. Janet thinks there is a spark between her and "Jazz," and decides to attend the memorial ceremony Jake's work is putting on for him, to see more of "Jazz."

At the ceremony, Jake realizes that he has been so focused on leaving work every day that he hasn't gotten to know his cool co-workers. Annie gets pushed around by Janet so much that she quits her job, and then Jake reveals that he is still alive.

Annie decides she will try to start up her own company. Which will probably take up all her time.